Jul 25, 17 / Vir 10, 01 01:56 UTC

Devlet Organları ve Ekonomisinde Blockchain Teknolojisi Kullanımı  

Merhaba yaklaşık 2 yıldır blockchain teknolojisi ve kripto paralar üzerine araştırma ve incelemeler yapıyorum, Asgardia bildiğimiz gibi genel olarak internet tabanlı bir omurgası var yani dijital bir devlet. acaba üst yönetimin blockchain teknolojisini kullanma gibi bi fikri var mı?  örneğin; devlet yapısına ait gizli bilgilerinin (savunma, yönetim,... ) blockchain tabanlı bi sistemde tutulması, kişinin kimlik id-sabıka kaydı - sağlık - eğitim durumu gibi bilgilerin yönetimi ve kullanımı, ya da ekonomik kurguda banka sistemi dışında bi model ile ekonomiyi oluşturabilirler(kripto para) , bu konuda da SOLAR adlı bi para birimi yazıyor anayasada ama detayları yok,  günümüzde hali hazırdaki know how bunların oluşturulması için oldukça yeterli. Sizler ne diyorsunuz bu konular hakkında arkadaşlar? 

Jul 25, 17 / Vir 10, 01 14:38 UTC

Merhaba Safak Sari,

Biraz araştırma yaptım ve Asgardia'nın blockchain olayıyla ilgili bir çalışmasını görmedim. Anca bir ara bir mesajda buna ihtiyaç olmadığı şeklinde bir mesaj okuduğumu hatırlıyorum. Bununla birlikte, mesajınız içerisindeki birkaç sorunun cevabının lena De Winne'in en son yaptığı canlı Soru-Cevap oturumda içerisinde olduğunu düşünüyorum. Aşağıya bunların İngilizcelerini ekliyorum ancak eğer İngilizce konusunda sorun yaşarsanız, elimden geldiğince yardımcı olmaya çalışırım. Bu arada, bahsettiğim canlı oturumun genel bir transcriptinin çevirisi üzerinde de çalışılıyor ve kısa zamanda forumda, Asgardia Turkey (resmi grupta) ve Asgardiya Türkiye Facebook sayfasında da yayınlanacak.

People with Criminal records we will be of course checking by Interpol records people who have criminal past but who served the term who have cleared who, as of today, are in good standing with their own legal system, as far as we are concerned are not criminals. It's not for us to judge people who have been considered innocent of having served their term. We are not judging people for their past. Of course, if somebody is in prison right now or is being under hearing in court case right now, we are not going to interfere with the Earth jurisdiction of what's happening. We do not stand any terrorist activities or whatever was this you’re asking. We will do our due diligence for which is based of course on common sense and best practices. [...] 

Status update on SOLAR, it’s a little bit too premature. All I can say now it please be assured we have top mathematicians on our team who are working on this. As soon as there is anything to say about it there will be announcements. I'm sure Dr. Ashurbeyli might decide to hold the conference about it because it's a huge thing. Please be sure you will not miss the news we will be screaming about it on every corner. 

Future judicial system and details.  The judicial system, well, there will be...it's all in the Constitution guys. I'm not going now to open Constitution and read it out loud so everybody. 

Please refer to the Constitution, it may be the chapter... I don't remember the number out of the top of my head, which defines how the lead judge and the judicial system is formed and operated.  

Does Asgardia acknowledge and other virtual nations? I'm not aware of what is bit nation. We are open to constructive dialogue to whoever wants to talk sense to us. We're not playing games. We're not going to start just entertaining ourselves by mutual acknowledgment by it if tomorrow three people decide that they are a nation. Whoever is serious and wants to talk seriously and have something serious to discuss with us, we are very, very open and transparent.

How will the Economy of Asgardia created/built? This is an excellent question. You would see that by the site Asgardia.com, it is there, it’s open, but some sections are still under development. We are looking at ways to register businesses in an Asgardian jurisdiction. We're inviting everybody who is seeing their business benefiting from developing through space jurisdiction through Asgardia, we're inviting people to consider startups which will make best business and economic sense in the jurisdiction in collaboration with Asgardia. We hope soon to be able to publish more structural pieces of information which will help you to submit your proposals. Basically, we rely on the startup who themselves see benefits by being part of Asgardia business development. There is much more to discuss in this context about business development. The subject is not mature enough yet to hold a detailed discussion about it but, in a nutshell, that's a major component of it. Young, intellectually stimulating, challenging businesses which make sense in the virtual world, in the jurisdiction of Asgardia, is one of the core components.

Umarım faydalı olabilmişimdir.
