Dec 18, 16 / Cap 17, 00 04:24 UTC

National Event Organizing  

This is a thread for everyone in the entire United States to organize National in person events and meetings.

Upcoming National Events:

Sep 26, 17 / Sco 17, 01 18:02 UTC

Hello, my fellow Asgardians!

Soon it will be 12th september and the 1st Asgardia annversary to celebrate! How about those of us who are in NYC would meet up someplace nice and chill and got to know each other and make new connections, maybe even friends? ^^ Personaly I cannot be present on 15th so please let's not do it then. ;_; Also I won't suggest any place because I don't know NYC but whoever knows the city well should totaly do it.

To make answers easier to organise, write them like this:

1. Where are you from or what is some bigger city you'd be willing to travel to for this occasion?

2. Which dates are fine with you? 12th (thursday) or 13th/ 14th? 

3. What time are you free?

4. Where exactly do you suggest we meet? 

Keep in mind that soon there are some official announcements to be made about this so maybe there will be a suggested place already. Post links to such announcements here, please. :)

  Last edited by:  Kristina Gasparian (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Sep 26, 17 / Sco 17, 01 18:38 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times