Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 13:56 UTC
Social Media Liaison Position NOW AVAILABLE! ¶
Spend a lot of time on the internet? We would like to have some of your time. VOA is looking for someone to act as a social media liaison, to ensure we are not missing communications that come to us through the forum, website or social media. Please send us a message on our facebook page or email us at admin@voicesofasgardia.com.
Positions available: 1
Salary: Volunteer
Hours: 4-8 a week.
Job Description: As a social media liaison, it will be your duty to scan various internet mediums several times a day and relay feedback back to the main staff. Mediums include:
Asgardia.space Forums
To apply, please email us at admin@voicesofasgardia.com.