Jan 10, 17 / Aqu 10, 01 03:33 UTC

Above the earth  

Hello,My distant dream,my thought it is now floating above the earth ,ready to burst,whether or not I want to admit it, it is not about self worth,it is about a communal conversation. Above all that is known. whether or not if I can even hear my own thought.one day this conversation will be an automatic.Yes I am an artist ,,lol what gave it away?.nice to meet all of you.

Jan 10, 17 / Aqu 10, 01 03:42 UTC

Hi Joslynn

Welcome! We have many discussions and projects happening at the moment. We welcome your ideas. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms if you haven’t already. Let us know if you have any questions. https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/forum-announcements-10/topic/asgardiaspace-posting-rules-82/ We also have a number of Localised Regional forums for connecting with your Fellow Asgardians in your country. They can be found here https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/regions-36/.

Once again welcome to the Asgardia.Space Forums!

  Last edited by:  Alan Player (Asgardian)  on Jan 10, 17 / Aqu 10, 01 05:34 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Gramatical Correction

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 17:27 UTC

Hello from above the earth, from asgardia to mother earth.