Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 20:28 UTC
hello From Michigan USA ¶
I would like to say hi to all my fellow Citizens! I was very glad to find out about the nation this morning, I do however wish I could have found it sooner. Anyone that is near me that would like to discus the nation please message me here and let us start promoting this great nation!
I would like to bring up - even if this is not the right forum - a few issues I have with the voting of the Constitution. If voting is a deciding factor in determining your dedication to the Nation why is there an absence of a NO button? If a level of citizenship is determined by voting why would a no be any different than a yes is determining that dedication? I for one love this concept of a new nation and feel as though I could become very dedicated to it. There are only two major things that I found while reading the Draft Costitution that would keep me from voting yes. A few minor ones that would not bother me. The main one is thus - The Head of State: a. appoints and removes the Supreme Justice of the Royal Court, the Chairman of the National Audit Office, the Chairman of the Royal Council of Supreme Values - to me this seems like the head of State could remove anyone that does not agree with them and appoint a person that will. These positions should be determined by the Citizens, and the removal of any elected person should also be determined by more than just one branch.
So for me I will not vote on the Draft Constitution, while still thinking in my mind that I am very dedicated to seeing this Nation become a beacon of hope for all of the human race and beyond..........