Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 21:11 UTC

Hello from Northern California!  

From the valley, its currently hot and raining. Anyone have a little tour? Call me starstruck. I'm a security guard and computer tech, and like to scrap household appliances in my spare time.

Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 02:43 UTC

Hello @Nekronuke Welcome to the forum! 

Please feel free to join in with our discussions. Don't forget to check out our Forum Announcements section here we post all sorts of general information, and keep an eye on the Asgardia News section. We ask that you be familiar with the  Code of Conduct  for your posting convenience. 

Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 11:08 UTC

Excellent, thank you. Hopefully, i'll eventually be able to continue my trade and keep Asgardians safe!