Aug 10, 17 / Vir 26, 01 03:57 UTC

My children want to become citizens of Asgardia  

Dear friends,

My children have expressed interest in being citizens of Asgardia. As a citizen myself where or how can I make this happen for them? Thank you in advance!

Aug 10, 17 / Vir 26, 01 07:49 UTC

Dear @The1DrQ

Thanks for showing interest on Asgardia

And answer of your question is just read the constitution chapter 3 , artical 6 , column 1 & 3 you will have your answer...


Kashif shaikh

Community manager of india for Asgardia

Aug 11, 17 / Vir 27, 01 00:03 UTC

Thank you for your reply! However, the Constitution states: A child born before the foundation of Asgardia may become a citizen on the request of his/her parent(s) who is(are) citizen(s) of Asgardia.

Therefore my question remains how do I as a citizen request citizenship for my children?

Thank you!

Jena Questen DVM CertAqV

Aug 11, 17 / Vir 27, 01 07:54 UTC

This is my question also... Is it an automatic assumption that our children are citizens or do we officially need to submit a request?

Many thank.

Aug 11, 17 / Vir 27, 01 12:05 UTC

You can apply as your child(ren) here. It is the same mechanism, but it is the parent who fills the form. Also, please do not tick the "I am older than 18" box so you will have to fill in the parent's personal information too.

Hope this helps!