Send your data to space

We welcome Asgardian citizens to upload your files to А for transfer to the Asgardia-1 satellite! Files storage will also be available on other Asgardia satellites and platforms in the future.

All Asgardians who were not in the first 100,000, but became citizens before the Hong Kong conference on 13 June 2017, can send up to 200KB once they’ve accepted the Constitution. All citizens who joined Asgardia after 13 June 2017 receive 100KB.

Please post only your own or copyright-free material. Asgardia respects copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights.

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Akin Maya Bodrum

“Benim naçiz vücudum elbet bir gün toprak olacaktır, ancak Türkiye Cumhuriyet...

Deleted Asgardian İstanbul

mmeeettaall Brasilia

Zach Pinkston Crescent City

Patrick Toussaint Marignier

Patrick Cavanaugh Alpha

Hello from Metroplex Space Research Center U.S.A.

Ibrahim Karabag Ankara

Hiç bir işime yaramıyor bu ~İbrahim, Tekçam

michael Scheede Wuppertal

Ahmed Khubrani Jazan

ahmed khubrani

Ahmed Khubrani Jazan

Gabriele Folli Milan

Vito Badalamenti ti amo

Deleted Asgardian Fuzhou


Kay Maatkamp Utrecht

Kerstin Warrink Rheine

Deleted Asgardian Vasto

buonasera sono un nuovo asgardiano e sono felice di essere qui

Song Guizhi Anshan

送给崔崔小可爱: 你看到的时候,这封信已经上传到Asgardia-1卫星,它在围着地球转来转去~。~ 之前的生日因为疫情没有送你礼物,就把这封信...

Jean Janse van Vuuren Springs

Felipe Paiva Montreal

Hello World!

Sebahattin Devecioglu Elâzığ

Gabriel Teykal Velloso Brasilia

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