Jan 18, 21 / Aqu 18, 05 16:49 UTC
Hello Asgardians My name is Dani I'm from Aleppo - Syria I'm an engineer - Telecommunications Engineering I'm a teacher too And I am ready to helping you as my family In every thing of my skills Pc + technology With all my love 💕
Jan 19, 21 / Aqu 19, 05 17:45 UTC
This group and all its paying members are participating in an international criminal organization with intent to violate the Outer Space Treaty. Everyone who pays into this will be held accountable by space based governments on Earth. https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/introouterspacetreaty.html
Jan 19, 21 / Aqu 19, 05 12:25 UTC
Jan 19, 21 / Aqu 19, 05 12:09 UTC
Happy New Year, can you code ? we have a 'pocket project' which can really benefit of your skill set. The community will reward you with voting power within the HRT projects and investments.
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