Oct 29, 18 / Oph 22, 02 21:09 UTC
  • Hi Everybody, I am running for Mayor because, I am a Citizen of the World and Citizen of the Universe. I was Born in Mozambique (Africa) and moved to Portugal in 1977, were i grew up, and in 1999 went to Ireland were I lived for 10 years ...
Jan 25, 19 / Aqu 25, 03 11:30 UTC
Gostaria também..
Nov 19, 18 / Sag 15, 02 22:00 UTC
Congratulations, Antonio. Please can you contact me at philip.appleby@asgardia.space? Many thanks.
Nov 16, 18 / Sag 12, 02 22:39 UTC
Parabéns por sua eleição. Sou deputado de Asgardia do Brasil, e convido você a se juntar conosco no Distrito 9, de língua portuguesa. Entre em contato comigo. Abraços 🙏
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