Jun 3, 19 / Can 14, 03 18:44 UTC
Maybe we'il go earlier.
Maybe we'il go earlier. 😉
Jun 1, 19 / Can 12, 03 08:24 UTC
The moon walks an average of 3.8 cm a year from Earth.
The moon walks an average of 3.8 cm a year from Earth. Does this affect the Asgardans? Getting away from the world, the world troubles, salvation or a new problem?
May 31, 19 / Can 11, 03 07:19 UTC
And here came our new neighbors...
NGTS-4b: A sub-Neptune transiting in the desert https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz1084 We report the discovery of NGTS-4b, a sub-Neptune-sized planet transiting a 13th magnitude K-dwarf in a 1.34 d orbit. NGTS-4b has a mass M = 20.6 ± 3.0 M⊕ and radius R = 3.18 ± 0.26 R⊕, which places it well within ...
Aug 30, 21 / Lib 18, 05 19:34 UTC
May 30, 19 / Can 10, 03 22:49 UTC
"... but philosophy is dead. Philosophy has not kept up with modern developments in science, particularly physics. Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge." (S.Hawking)
May 31, 19 / Can 11, 03 12:02 UTC
May 31, 19 / Can 11, 03 11:17 UTC
A great perspective. Thank you Arctus.
May 31, 19 / Can 11, 03 11:12 UTC
Hawking's philosophy about Philosophy is not an exact science. ;-D Philosophy is not dead and is as necessary as the natural or formal sciences. In Wikipedia they put it like this: "philosophical perspectives, conjectures, and presuppositions, often overlooked, remain necessary in natural science". We can say that with technical sciences ...
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