Aug 31, 19 / Lib 19, 03 23:42 UTC
Debunking the Anunnaki UFO-buffs and Nibiru Mythologies
On the OP, there is no evidence for that. The Annunaki were the Sumerian pantheon and imo, the god templates for the later civilizations that came along in that region. There are others on this forum who will argue slightly differently on the relationship of the ancient gods but we ...
Aug 29, 19 / Lib 17, 03 02:31 UTC
Time moves only in one direction .
Time is the progression of events from the past into the future. Time moves only in one direction. It's possible to move forward in time, but not backward. Scientists believe memory formation is the basis for human perception of time
Aug 29, 19 / Lib 17, 03 02:19 UTC
Time Perception
The human brain is equipped to track time. The suprachiasmatic nuclei of the brain is the region responsible for daily or circadian rhythms. But neurotransmitters and drugs affect time perceptions. Chemicals that excite neurons so they fire more quickly than normal speed up time, while decreased neuron firing slows down ...
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 19:14 UTC
Malahvia, the latest effort in series of audio releases by the performance and music group Tiermes, is presented after six years of intense experimenting and research on the fields of ethno-pharmacology, -botany and ritual behavior during Fennoscandian prehistoric age. As a result, not being only a piece of sonic art, ...
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 19:07 UTC
Time shift
Time shift was the result of two factors: the inevitable tendency of the biosphere to respond to the deviation in timing frequency perpetrated by the consciousness.
Aug 25, 19 / Lib 13, 03 03:04 UTC
Thanks for this
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 19:01 UTC
Asgardians and Mayan time warp
This time shift was the result of two factors: the inevitable tendency of the biosphere to respond to the deviation in timing frequency perpetrated by the human species, "third-dimensional time warp," and the self-conscious knowledge of the Law of Time itself now germinating within human consciousness. In preparation for the ...
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 17:59 UTC
The law of time .
Time is the fourth dimension. Time is a frequency. One common timing frequency governs and shapes all third-dimensional phenomena. This frequency is an undeviating ratio, mathematically expressed as 13:20. The Law of Time also takes the form of an equation: T(E) = Art T(E) = Art. (E)nergy factored by T(ime) ...
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 17:49 UTC
Solanin - Audial trip though cosmos and beyond .
Seconds become minutes; minutes become a half-hour. Increased attention demands increased volume, which is a perfect time for the trio’s fragile quiet to disgorge ritualistic riff and grind, tones torn from trees, rhythm rocked from tortoise shells, fallen limbs, dried deer shit. Closing the offering is a meditation on the ...
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 12:50 UTC
Pibe man po ni. Yuletuy tarupi gegine lopame? Orerewot osimicien vosena, tubed lenieyuy sigeru. Bico teno tanese. Ve don re. Agiseco opono yeledi se re. Yebit lep ser tidepeh nozenu fic elorohe riru eqa. Diyade uro biw wi dum noyer onih sipoc cis, efehores teg sanes nefo irat cimoc te. ...
Aug 24, 19 / Lib 12, 03 13:39 UTC
Well, Tiermes that was interesting
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 19:46 UTC
The Second Ring Of Power
Did I hear that Voice or was it just a hallucination? And what about those Shapes (Allies).... For fourteen Days I haven't slept Still my Shadow the secret of my life kept By going through a long period of Depression I reached a permanent state of enlightment I'm the Master ...
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 16:03 UTC
2022 - a study of long term isolation
Our group’s continuous devotion to create art through an experience, has proved to be the only way to find such essential emotions and dimensions that label the presence known as Tiermes. We give nothing but sound; it’s up to he listener to construct the framework from which it flows. The ...
Aug 22, 19 / Lib 10, 03 16:07 UTC
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 20:17 UTC
Tiermes - Unorganic Being
Tiermes is a Finnish esoteric ritual industrial noise duo established in 1996. By using various instruments and objects such as guitars, analogue synths, metal percussion and junk metal, they create an original meld of sounds taking its roots in ritual / industrial / noise and psychedelic music. Hypnotic and dense ...
Aug 19, 19 / Lib 07, 03 08:03 UTC
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 10:39 UTC
My certification and meditative video dedicated for all Asgardians
Waiting when we leave earth and travel to Pleiades and aim straight to Dagon, a place where we originally came to populate planet earth. - Jupiter and beyond.
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 10:40 UTC
Millaista on musiikki, jonka syntyyn on vaikuttanut intensiivinen etno-farmakologian, kasvitieteen ja esihistoriallisen fennoskandinaavisen rituaalikäyttäytymisen tutkiminen. Musiikin tekijä Tiermes puhuu myös modernista arkeologiasta.
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 10:40 UTC
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 10:39 UTC
Muinaiskreikaksi kallisto tarkoittaa kaikkein kauneinta. Antiikin Kreikan mytologiassa Kallisto on Lykaonin tytär. Lykaon puolestaan oli Arkadian ensimmäinen kuningas. Arkadia oli antiikin paratiisi, yksinkertaisen ja rehellisen maalaiselämän, rauhan ja onnellisuuden paikka. Kuninkaan tyttärellä, kauniilla Kallistolla oli kielletty lemmenseikkailu Zeus-jumalan kanssa. Suhteesta syntyi poika, Arkas ja tämän seurauksena Hera-jumalatar muutti Kalliston karhuksi. ...
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 10:24 UTC
In Sami shamanism, Horagalles, also written Hora Galles and Thora Galles and often equated with Tiermes or Aijeke (i.e. "grandfather or great grandfather"), is the thunder god. He is depicted as a wooden figure with a nail in the head and with a hammer, or occasionally on shaman drums, two ...
Aug 18, 19 / Lib 06, 03 10:00 UTC
Temple Of Tiermes
TEMPLE OF TIERMES is a Finnish esoteric ritual industrial noise duo in existence since 1994. Using various instruments and objects such as guitars, analogue synths, metal percussions and junk metal, they create an original meld of sounds taking its roots in ritual / industrial / noise and psychedelic music. Hypnotic ...
Aug 17, 19 / Lib 05, 03 23:14 UTC
Fomalhaut b is orbiting its host star at a wide separation, where forming massive planets is difficult. To explain its current location, Fomalhaut b could have been dynamically scattered by a more massive, unseen body located at smaller separations. Several ground-based observations have searched for this hypothetical Fomalhaut "c" but ...
Aug 25, 19 / Lib 13, 03 12:06 UTC
I love this too
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