Jan 17, 21 / Aqu 17, 05 13:55 UTC
未来如果有一款反重力仪器,最好手掌大小,只要随身携带,即可漂浮在空中。这样一种设备,可以规避空中飞行的大部分风险。 比方说很多人恐惧坐飞机,是因为担心飞机一旦失事,生还概率渺茫。如果有这个反重力仪器,飞机出了故障就可以下飞机,漂浮在空中等待救援。 住在高楼的人们,也不用担心高空坠落。 还方便高山深谷的科考探险,征服珠穆朗玛峰再也不是难事。 这样在幼儿时期,除了走路之后,还要学习漂浮和飞行。人类的生存领域,就可以彻底地拓展到空中。 In the future, if there is an anti-gravity device, preferably the size of your hand, as long as you carry it, can float in the air. Such a device could circumvent most of the risks of flying in the air. For example, many people are ...
Sep 4, 18 / Lib 23, 02 06:59 UTC


Jan 7, 21 / Aqu 07, 05 11:37 UTC
this is chinese traditional clothing
Jan 31, 20 / Pis 03, 04 22:16 UTC
this good said . i like u Japanese clothes image. haha... Sexy . so that way. i think u can be my follow. this nice.
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