Feb 26, 23 / Ari 01, 07 09:26 UTC
water in space.. what does this actually mean to the space system.. if we would look at space par density and not par age.. then we can assume that space was water in the beginning.. maybe some aliens found it interesting to make a waterbomb to explode their waterworld.. maybe ...
Feb 26, 23 / Ari 01, 07 05:26 UTC
if we would take a simple approach towards electricity then we could say that stars are the sources of electricity.. they are balls of plasma which are based on a higher state of matter without dust and electrons.. the dust falls back to the dustlayer and electrons are pushed in ...
Feb 26, 23 / Ari 01, 07 11:46 UTC
Feb 23, 23 / Pis 26, 07 03:05 UTC
a simple thought in between.. as ice melts on the poles and heights.. it would be obvious that land rises from less weight and that groundwater falls to lower levels.. which means more drought.. at the equator the opposite happens.. due to more water in the middle of the earth ...
Feb 25, 23 / Ari 00, 07 12:00 UTC
There is no "less weight" when ice is melting, There are more flooding as water level rises. But this ha s nothing to do with weight.
Feb 23, 23 / Pis 26, 07 02:15 UTC
question at chatgtp about unoosa: maybe Asgardia should work together with unoosa? Asgardia is an organization that aims to establish a permanent space settlement and promote the peaceful use of space. UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) is the United Nations office responsible for promoting international cooperation in ...
Feb 23, 23 / Pis 26, 07 02:47 UTC
the latest resolution: https://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/resolutions/2022/general_assembly_77th_session/ares77121_html/N2274756.pdf
Feb 21, 23 / Pis 24, 07 09:35 UTC
our fundamental problem of the world is that we are stealers.. we steal from the world and we steal from each other.. how can we make a better world and humanity.. by giving to the world and giving to each other.. in conclusion.. give nature back to earth and give ...
Feb 21, 23 / Pis 24, 07 11:26 UTC
Definitely, if we keep giving back what We took then the Earth itself can heal. Take the forests for example, deforestation kills wildlife for plots of land for farmers. If we can find seeds in the trees in these forests, then we could reseed these forests and restore these forests. ...
Feb 17, 23 / Pis 20, 07 09:24 UTC
a question to chatgtp about collaborations: collaborations, if we would take one of the following groups: openai, open source, open hardware, linux.. then which of these would be the best choices for Asgardia, give some examples? As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or preferences, but ...
Feb 18, 23 / Pis 21, 07 02:19 UTC
Sounds good alternative, more data to keep and maybe not Useful at all
Feb 17, 23 / Pis 20, 07 04:54 UTC
if we would create a new language then i purpose to start with standard english keywords.. if everyone uses english keywords then the meaning becomes more understandable.. there are already several languages who use these technique for new words in their original language.. it would be a process of many ...
Feb 17, 23 / Pis 20, 07 07:10 UTC
i think keywords have already an important signifigamce through even tone let alone rationale, by use of informed agreeable use of .
Feb 14, 23 / Pis 17, 07 22:08 UTC
presentation from Nissem in 2019.. asgardia.space/social/posts/92366?-link-27267 Grtz,Dirk
Feb 15, 23 / Pis 18, 07 05:06 UTC
somewhere in to the future..
Feb 15, 23 / Pis 18, 07 01:22 UTC
When we can living in Asgardian Country space nation????
Feb 14, 23 / Pis 17, 07 18:59 UTC
previous science event.. https://asgardia.space/en/congress/asic-2019/ Grtz,Dirk
Feb 14, 23 / Pis 17, 07 18:39 UTC
if an Asgardian is missing on planets or in space.. what are the standard procedures to follow up asgardians and what are the contact procedures.. Grtz,Dirk
Feb 14, 23 / Pis 17, 07 05:23 UTC
all decisions, AI and algoritmes inside Asgardia should primairy be based on truth and logic.. there should be a standard inside Asgardia to run a test of truth and logic.. this can be done with a group of wise humans and advanced AI.. the goal must be to strive for ...
Feb 14, 23 / Pis 17, 07 04:05 UTC
why not double the amount of parliament to 300.. so that the first comers can stay and a group of learners can start.. during the next periode exchanges and additions can take place for additional works.. an additional action group would be preferable.. these people could be send down as ...
Feb 12, 23 / Pis 15, 07 23:31 UTC
is it possible for Asgardia to make some flyers in pdf form for download.. so that Asgardians can print them out and distribute them to interested people and organizations at space events? Grtz,Dirk
Feb 12, 23 / Pis 15, 07 23:47 UTC
for example at the front a big Asgardian event like parliament election and on the back some standard info about Asgardia with the contacts to the online world..
Feb 11, 23 / Pis 14, 07 18:09 UTC
a question to chatgtp: i am an Asgardian Resident, how can i best help Asgardia? As an Asgardian resident, you can help further the goals and objectives of Asgardia in several ways: Get involved in community activities: Participate in discussions, attend virtual events, and engage with other Asgardian citizens to ...
Feb 12, 23 / Pis 15, 07 21:43 UTC
This is the mission of Asgardia https://asgardia.space/en/pages/mission Now my question is, how should we facilitate the birth of a child in space by remaining just a virtual internet plattform. Maybe the right answer can be found on my profile! Kind regards, Alessandro
Feb 10, 23 / Pis 13, 07 23:26 UTC
if crystals are condensed hot plasma over long terms.. then using strong induction on the crystals should create hot plasma in the short term.. from thousands to millions of degrees of heat.. Grtz,Dirk
Feb 17, 23 / Pis 20, 07 07:17 UTC
crystals have all sorts 😉 !!! of elements good to know
Feb 7, 23 / Pis 10, 07 14:01 UTC
Hello, a tryout from pdf to online print.. good print, with 2 staples, 120gr paper, not expensive.. overall a very neat result.. for future events.. Grtz, Dirk.
Feb 17, 23 / Pis 20, 07 07:20 UTC
need pamplets
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