Dec 16, 22 / Cap 14, 06 10:30 UTC
one of the basic forces in space is temperature.. if we start with hot then that is equal to vibration and unrest.. the sun or a hot atom which is the same principle.. they give of parts when heat is added.. the extremer the particles the extremer the heat necessary ...
Dec 14, 22 / Cap 12, 06 23:51 UTC
today something about bubbles.. a bubble of water in space is actually matter that is pressured by space.. it forms a sphere because the pressure comes from all sides.. then what is this force actually.. well it is the opposite what we call gravity.. so it is anti matter in ...
Dec 14, 22 / Cap 12, 06 05:53 UTC
if we look at what evolution has achieved for the radiation problem then these examples are useful.. if we start with water then water and a cyan environment protects unprotected eggs and plankton.. if we go on land then we find eggs.. these have a shell and a tick layer ...
Dec 14, 22 / Cap 12, 06 20:23 UTC
radiation protection is one of the main tasks! it is possible to use caves in asteroids to protect biological objects only need powerful enough engines that do not use carbon fuel
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 19:28 UTC
lets broaden our minds a bit.. if the sun burns 2 billion years.. then we have that time to collect a part of its energy.. we could direct all this energy towards jupiter till it ignites.. maybe that could work and then we have a new sun.. if we are ...
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 18:13 UTC
Asgardia should have an energy source in space.. be it solar from our sun.. that drives motors for electricity.. and backup in matter.. we could do this in space and on the moon.. energy is infinite and for free.. we just have to collect it, transform it and store it.. ...
Dec 10, 22 / Cap 08, 06 19:26 UTC
i have logged in in a space news site and placed an Asgardia news item: Grtz,Dirk
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 16:07 UTC
Nice to meet you and welcome to Asgardia.
Dec 10, 22 / Cap 08, 06 09:49 UTC
if we would have a minister for foreign affairs we could organize digital meetings with foreign ministers over possible points to work together.. as Asgardia is mainly a digital political unity for the moment.. personal i see Lembit the best choice for this.. first we search for common points with ...
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 16:07 UTC
Nice to meet you and welcome to Asgardia.
Dec 9, 22 / Cap 07, 06 21:15 UTC
astronaut training for the future generation's.. Grtz,Dirk
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 16:07 UTC
Nice to meet you and welcome to Asgardia.
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 11:14 UTC
Every generation says we’re going to send our kids into space, but it never happens.
Dec 7, 22 / Cap 05, 06 08:56 UTC
it came to my mind that the north and south area's have an important role to play.. as our sun travels true space the ejections going north, which is the direction forward on all solarsystem body's, bends back to the planets.. so all planets receive stronger solarrays on the northside.. ...
Dec 11, 22 / Cap 09, 06 22:16 UTC
In Italy, an interesting book has been published explaining since we entered the Sixth mass extinction 2015 (meanwhile, scientists noticed that in the distant past of our planet another one had occurred, thus numbering the current one with the number 7). Apart from the necessary clarification and apart from the ...
Dec 5, 22 / Cap 03, 06 08:29 UTC
today something about evolution of species.. it is assumed that lifeforms change due to circumstances.. but i was thinking what about species writing their own dna.. if that would be true then we are on a dangerous path.. because as we are changing ourselves to bad behavior and when it ...
Dec 4, 22 / Cap 02, 06 23:30 UTC
when is Asgardia going to make an other cooperation with unoosa?.. Grtz,Dirk
Dec 5, 22 / Cap 03, 06 04:27 UTC
Good question
Dec 4, 22 / Cap 02, 06 13:58 UTC
today i am going to take an overview of the current in our solarsystem.. lets begin with space.. space is a wide spread cold plasma with electrons.. here in are cold objects like planets, asteroids, gas clouds, and other unknown objects.. coldness collects electrons.. so a super cold object is ...
Dec 1, 22 / Sag 27, 06 03:47 UTC
with the recent sunspot cycle that was relative active in solar bursts.. we can conclude that the core of the earth has had an uptick in heating.. this could result in bigger earthquakes and bigger volcano eruptions.. we can already see the first signs.. if it is so that we ...
Nov 27, 22 / Sag 23, 06 07:16 UTC
lets imagine that we are floating around in space.. the first thing to grasp on is the moon.. when we are on the moon we look around.. what can we find that is useful.. not much we can use immediately.. because we have no cover to space we need a ...
Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 16:55 UTC
the new moon project has started with nasa and esa.. we just have to follow up and give them good ideas which can be useful for Asgardia, earth and humanity..
Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 06:43 UTC
Y como se aria eso como sabríamos que está todo listo que medio de información tendríamos
Nov 26, 22 / Sag 22, 06 07:55 UTC
immerged in a new test.. Grtz,Dirk
Nov 25, 22 / Sag 21, 06 08:58 UTC
the main tool for a civilization should be something that can not be misused.. today we have money that is misused in so many ways that it is far from a fair trade.. we should go back to physical resources from space which are balanced with digital values.. workforce should ...
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