Jun 8, 22 / Can 19, 06 17:33 UTC
What is most likely the case:
Jun 17, 22 / Leo 00, 06 08:18 UTC
The Asgardians are my friends.. so i suppose they all read it?.. 😉
Jun 10, 22 / Can 21, 06 06:14 UTC
Yo prefiro lo de asgardia reciente gratis porque mí sueño es hacerme asgardiano pero no cuento con el efectivo suficiente para hacerme la recidencia
Jun 3, 22 / Can 14, 06 08:36 UTC
Nothing but the truth.. like in the old scriptures there is only one truth and that is the combination of the following three sources.. the first one is space.. the second one is earth.. and the third one is wisdom.. From space comes the sun, the stars and planets and ...
Jun 3, 22 / Can 14, 06 11:56 UTC
Men have written a lot; not all men have written by passing on their wisdom and respect for the world by their stories ( oral tradition). I can assure you that in Aboriginal and Native American cultures there are so many concepts that should be brought to the attention of ...
May 28, 22 / Can 08, 06 12:10 UTC
What could we do against a superflame from the sun.. one thing is sure.. it will destroy one third of the earth.. if we now would devide the earth in let’s say six even compartments then that would result in four hour pieces.. If we copy these six compartments over ...
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 15:11 UTC
I have some doubts; if the sun represents a nexus of gravity to keep the planets of the system in orbit I believe that this attraction will represent a constraint to the distance of the sun will change the size and not the mass. Greeting
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 10:52 UTC
As the sun expands, I believe our orbit will grow further from the sun.
May 31, 22 / Can 11, 06 23:37 UTC
It's a theory. In fact, when the sun begins to increase the volume it occupies in space it will create such a decompensation in the orbits of the planets that life on Earth will probably end in a short time ( if technological man has not already completed its destruction ...
May 28, 22 / Can 08, 06 11:50 UTC
It is said that the sun will eventually expand into the solarsystem.. the question that arises is how.. we assume that it will be a gradual expansion, but let’s look at an other way.. what if we see the solarsystem as the atmosphere of the sun with the planets as ...
May 27, 22 / Can 07, 06 13:33 UTC
Two main forces in space are hot and cold.. they are the opposite of each other.. heat comes from friction, density, melting.. these come from disk, body’s, cores.. on the other side we have discharging, expansion, freezing.. these come from jets, gasses, space.. Now we can ask the ever relative ...
May 17, 22 / Gem 25, 06 12:14 UTC
If our dna exists out of different pieces of dna comming from space via meteors and asteroids then we are a mingling of space parts.. could have been a broken up planet that existed before us.. with maybe extra pieces from outer space.. even bad code could have entered our ...
May 25, 22 / Can 05, 06 08:34 UTC
I believe that meteors may have helped create life on Earth, either because of the physical effects of the impacts, or because of the chemical components they carried. As we know Organic Life is mainly based on carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in addition to small amounts of other elements. ...
May 18, 22 / Gem 26, 06 19:31 UTC
perfect..thank you
May 7, 22 / Gem 15, 06 10:37 UTC
If we look at spin then we can conclude that it creates vortexes.. these vortexes contain two workforces.. an outward spiral that goes down or up and a counter force as jet.. the elements that enter the vortex on the outside are mingled.. the heavy elements go direction core.. the ...
May 7, 22 / Gem 15, 06 11:45 UTC
As a sidenote we can assume that electrons are made by gravity and magnetism is made by spin..
Apr 26, 22 / Gem 04, 06 18:53 UTC
we make extra stages.. a stage from Asgardian to pre-resident.. this is an in between solution for those who can not pay the money yet to resident.. a stage from resident to pre-citizen.. this is an in between solution for those who can not pay the money yet for citizen.. ...
Apr 13, 22 / Tau 19, 06 03:01 UTC
Human version one stands in the way of version two.. the greed and selfishness rules under version one.. while version two is clearly unification par spiritual unity.. we have the last change to go to version two before we are again destroyed as a civilization.. Asgardia can be a great ...
Apr 13, 22 / Tau 19, 06 06:35 UTC
Apr 12, 22 / Tau 18, 06 13:13 UTC
Asgardia does not need a new leader.. as it is under the same system.. Asgardia needs an additional leader for the people.. it is by the amount of citizens,residents,asgardians, that are spiritual connected in this digital nation, that we will achieve goals.. not by ruling by papers and money as ...
Apr 18, 22 / Tau 24, 06 09:03 UTC
Yes, we take the roots with us..
Apr 17, 22 / Tau 23, 06 22:09 UTC
I agree; laying new foundations is evolution, growth; developing brainstorming by seizing the news and new energies, but it also needs not to lose sight of the realities we live: these are the bases from which to build, paying attention not to go astray.
Apr 3, 22 / Tau 09, 06 16:26 UTC
if i follow my own theory as from today.. then i would conclude the following.. if a blackhole is compressed space.. and would explode in our existing space.. then it would create a new space in our existing space.. and it would destroy the existing space on the outside of ...
Apr 7, 22 / Tau 13, 06 18:41 UTC
Thanks a lot for your kind response to my wallet, I surprised sincerly, I am greatful
Apr 5, 22 / Tau 11, 06 18:36 UTC
Very interesting
Apr 3, 22 / Tau 09, 06 11:01 UTC
I have mental issues because I see the world with the humans in an other way.. is that a correct conclusion?.. Grtz,Dirk.
Jul 21, 22 / Vir 06, 06 22:12 UTC
What is it you're trying to conclude?
Apr 6, 22 / Tau 12, 06 20:34 UTC
The points of view are formed with life experience, mature by experiencing pleasant and unpleasant episodes, going to discover distant places and the people who live there, meditate and understand the differences and difficulties of others. Then if we realize that our knowledge and our having learned do not make ...
Apr 3, 22 / Tau 09, 06 06:43 UTC
What is light.. light is an electron that pickups a particle.. they travel together till they hit a surface.. there the particle is dispositted and what remains is the electron and the remaining energy.. this light is no longer harmfull.. luckely we have a good filter system in our top ...
Apr 2, 22 / Tau 08, 06 09:06 UTC
If we place free floating cabins in between the planets in a chain or city form habited by robots.. then we are creating highways in our solarsystem that serve humans while traveling in space.. Grtz,Dirk.
Mar 30, 22 / Tau 05, 06 21:03 UTC
If the solarsystem would represent our spaceship.. then the sun is our main engine.. and the planets are the resources and cabines.. then we should connect everything together and let the spaceship fly on automatic pilot.. we could tap energy of the engine and we could hide behind the engine ...
Mar 28, 22 / Tau 03, 06 07:45 UTC
I think we should be careful whit fast traveling xparticles coming from the colliders.. they are ultimate starters of vortexes.. vortexes in lava, magma, sea, clouds.. when they succeed to enter a nuclear plant then a meltdown would be obvious.. all particles around them have formed over billions of years.. ...
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