Sep 15, 21 / Sco 06, 05 15:27 UTC
in my country there is a discussion going on about which is better, namely gas vs nuclear.. both sides are trowing mud and stones to each-other and that will give no results.. why are we not building hybrid-energy-installations?.. it can be run in the best way with a choices of ...
Sep 18, 21 / Sco 09, 05 23:44 UTC
I think the problem is not technical but... economic. If interested parties find a valid compromise, something could also be started; already established ideas and start-ups worthy of attention are waiting for someone to notice them. Evaluate, industrialize, produce... Improve the precarious and alarming situation of the planet.
Sep 14, 21 / Sco 05, 05 03:39 UTC
As a new beginner in zoom i want to forward the idea of zoom-moderators for Asgardia meetings.. the zoom-moderator sets up a meeting room with an organizer and adds peoples to the list to attend the meeting for a certain date and hour.. i would like to pay the moderator ...
Sep 13, 21 / Sco 04, 05 05:02 UTC
as i wrote the previous post it came to my mind that we had recently news from the voyagers.. they seem to hitting an unknown force.. well, if they are outside the protective magnetic shield of the Sun.. and above the bow that goes with it.. it would be obvious ...
Sep 13, 21 / Sco 04, 05 04:19 UTC
if we look at Jupiter what can we see.. first it is a cold gas-planet that has stripes.. these stripes have a function, the most light atoms and molecules go to south and north jets and the middle stripe as the disk contains the most heavy ones.. then we have ...
Sep 4, 21 / Lib 23, 05 23:36 UTC
our next alignment is Sun, Earth and Neptune..
Sep 4, 21 / Lib 23, 05 22:10 UTC
i was just thinking for a way to capture carbon out of the air and water.. after a few ways i had the vision of thermal mud-pool's.. lets say we create a mud with lots of chalk and other carbon absorbing materials and even with carbon-eating bacteria.. then we drive ...
Sep 3, 21 / Lib 22, 05 22:40 UTC
today i am going to try to make a post about the good stuff.. by the good stuff i mean where humans find themselves emotional touched with the good feeling.. recently we had a presentation from Cheryl and i am sure she touched many nerves and hormones.. it is this ...
Sep 4, 21 / Lib 23, 05 12:20 UTC
A warm-heartfelt thank you, Dirk, for these emotive and thoughtful words. Letting you and all readers interested that the video you describe so nicely from my presentation, will be premiered on YouTube on Sept. 9 (our Head of Nation’s birthday) at 15:00 UTC on my YouTube channel here: . ...
Sep 3, 21 / Lib 22, 05 18:25 UTC
in our nation we give digital and analog packages to subscribers.. here is an example of which and how we could diverse the fee to a more diverse choice.. 1€ = beginning Asgardian 2€ = advanced Asgardian 5€ = supreme Asgardian 10€ = Local Resident 50€ = National Resident 100€ ...
Sep 11, 21 / Sco 02, 05 12:47 UTC
It is an issue that should be on the government's discussion agenda, because it can increase or decrease the state budget. I don't think that the issues I am talking about have to do with the government, these issues have to do with the people, the Asgardian nation. We are ...
Sep 9, 21 / Sco 00, 05 12:31 UTC
I agree. I'm ready to participate financially in the project, because any project needs it. But we shouldn't have to pay for our status as a resident :/ We should all be equal and give if we want within our means
Sep 8, 21 / Lib 27, 05 10:20 UTC
To begin with, I want to make it clear that I do not agree with the idea of "resident Asgardian". It is a bad idea to charge a fee to be someone more Asgardian than others. The government could charge for magazine subscriptions and other things, but should not charge ...
See all 4 comments
Sep 1, 21 / Lib 20, 05 15:56 UTC
i was thinking.. would it make sense to monitor ourselves ones a week by an app to detect sicknesses and malfunctions?.. as we should stand in for helping people in difficulty's?.. also those long and abnormal days of meetings worldwide are a risk for older people already with sickness and ...
Sep 4, 21 / Lib 23, 05 04:59 UTC
We could have that in our health watch on our wrists with sensors that could send data to our phone/computer to analyse further our state of health...
Aug 31, 21 / Lib 19, 05 23:25 UTC
a little post about Betelgeuse.. if Betelgeuse would go novae then what is going to reach us first.. the light or the electric force.. if it is the light then we can see the event when the light reaches us.. if it is the electric force then we will have ...
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 15:21 UTC
a little thought in between.. the cold crust of the earth sits on a hot fluid mantle.. now every exchange in this balance is a disturbance in this state.. lets name a few changes.. first we have ice, it makes some places heavier and some lighter and as it melts ...
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 08:50 UTC
as the most work is done voluntary we should add a big rewarding system for the efforts that where and are done.. this could be done true interviews on AsgardiaTV, radio interviews and even text interviews.. it should be a very important part in our community to keep everybody happy ...
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 08:20 UTC
what are the abundant things we have in our possession in our nation.. first of all we have time, this is without limit, and we should not work against time but use it as an advantage.. second we have space, while space is not being used as space but more ...
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 12:35 UTC
Executive thought there Dirk on the digitalisation of space travelling, we will need this urgently for working purposes, as getting anywhere in space requires a quick ship to get to wherever possible. So having an on look for builders of this system is needed more then anything right now the ...
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 06:47 UTC
if we want to save the budget for 2021 it would be necessary that 500 Residents become digital Citizens by the end of this year by saving 1000 Solars in their wallet.. additional to that we also would need 500 Asgardians to become Residents by saving 100 Solar in their ...
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 12:15 UTC
You are so correct....I have advocated for a savings wallet for every Asgardian ...over and above their transactional wallet.
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 02:35 UTC
in between..
difficult to spot..
Aug 28, 21 / Lib 16, 05 15:29 UTC
space weather..
as of today expecting some incoming disturbances..
Aug 28, 21 / Lib 16, 05 15:53 UTC
We are in Parliament session today, and I can affirm there are disturbances in Parliamentarians around the globe with connections. However, we are still on time and hitting our goals. :)
Aug 28, 21 / Lib 16, 05 15:43 UTC
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