Aug 27, 21 / Lib 15, 05 13:55 UTC
the red wire in Asgardia true all domains is interaction.. our goal should be to unite data in the noösphere and make a data-shield (not a satellite-shield) in space.. this can be done true some satellites and some landing-gear in space, orbits and planets.. - the free data should go ...
Aug 27, 21 / Lib 15, 05 10:17 UTC
all solar-system objects that make a big ellipse around the Sun are potential power houses where by frozen content gets evaporated by going close to the Sun.. it would be an ideal place to setup an energy plant whereby laser-links could distribute the power.. Grtz, Dirk.
Aug 27, 21 / Lib 15, 05 05:06 UTC
home arks..
this is a basic example of what every Asgardian can do at home..
Aug 26, 21 / Lib 14, 05 02:04 UTC
if we follow the main rule of 3 magnets on a row then it can be said that if the center magnet is directed in a certain direction and the 2 outside magnets at each side in the same direction or opposite diection, then the first observation is that when ...
Aug 27, 21 / Lib 15, 05 06:23 UTC
The Earth will not turn upside down( we all hope so); the speed of rotation on its axis causes a gyroscopic effect. To understand it, tries to take the wheel of a bike, and make it rotate by holding it to the hubs ; now try to change the plane ...
Aug 26, 21 / Lib 14, 05 01:33 UTC
every star has its own timezone.. in between there is space and this should be traveled true coordination of different stars.. every star that is reached should have its own atomic clock.. in fact we could setup this system inside our solar-system.. on every planet an atomic clock from day ...
Aug 25, 21 / Lib 13, 05 23:17 UTC
in times of shortage of water it is advised to live in dark times.. if the Sun gives too much heat then we loose body water true sweating so living from sunset to dawn is advisable.. that is why cultures of today and civilizations in the past where beginning their ...
Aug 25, 21 / Lib 13, 05 14:06 UTC
the most proper and abundant energy in space is that one from cold to hot.. we take meteors and rocks from cold moons with low gravity and bring them close to the Sun in a closed system to capture steam and gasses.. if we could build such a system in ...
Aug 25, 21 / Lib 13, 05 13:34 UTC
to calculate the fee we should look at the household income per nation because the investments and payments come from the civilians.. below i have a link to such a page from wiki where we could use the data for calculating the fee-income rates.. - link: Grtz, Dirk.
Aug 24, 21 / Lib 12, 05 23:46 UTC
sun and co..
sun and co from earth..
Aug 24, 21 / Lib 12, 05 06:03 UTC
important message to the world.. our earth has an outer shell called nature and life.. it is an discharged environment or an (-) negative world.. all things that are charged (+) positive belong under the ground or must be neutralized.. humans have found ways to produce energy apart from the ...
Aug 25, 21 / Lib 13, 05 06:37 UTC
This question was answered more than 150 years ago by a Native American during the conciliation stages of one of the Indian wars fought against American cavalry. I quote, " when they have polluted the last river, cut down the last tree, caught the last bison, caught the last fish, ...
Aug 22, 21 / Lib 10, 05 23:07 UTC
every larger object in space has a wobble.. ones they are spinning they create a north and south half-round on the object.. on earth we have also a wobble.. that is because the south of the earth is heavier then the north.. now with all this ice that is melting ...
Aug 25, 21 / Lib 13, 05 06:20 UTC
Hey, Dirk. What you say is correct. The displacement of the ice masses at the poles creates an imbalance in the rotational motion of the planet. Some of the effects that the specialists of the sectors concerned are studying are: modification of the motorcycle precessionario of the earth's axis, the ...
Aug 22, 21 / Lib 10, 05 23:49 UTC
Très intéressent à lire
Aug 20, 21 / Lib 08, 05 07:23 UTC
if we would place our main focus on more Asgardians and Residents then we should make a bridge to the people who would like to try out the link to our nation.. this could be done like in past times with kiosk's.. we place a screen with a looping video ...
Aug 20, 21 / Lib 08, 05 13:55 UTC
I think the main thing to articulate correctly to get more people as well is to emphasize that while we are a space nation there are different aspects of us like art, expression and culture you know the things that make us look like a nation. Many people I have ...
Aug 19, 21 / Lib 07, 05 22:03 UTC
if the world would be totally without borders, we would still need bridges to trespass difficult ways along our road.. the bridges we are now making are for a lower fee to attract more Asgardians, business laws for new businesses, a more professional AsgardiaTV, outreaches towards social media, and a ...
Aug 17, 21 / Lib 05, 05 05:00 UTC
recently we get images of the Sun with tornado's which can be viewed on the horizon and the corona as background.. my thoughts of these today would be if we look at tornado's on earth that these are based on temperature differences.. but for the Sun i am going more ...
Aug 15, 21 / Lib 03, 05 00:29 UTC
from today on i am working on an additional calendar which should in a logical way combine seasonal events with other climatological events here on earth and its surrounding space.. it is a fun project for me as it is a combination with a spreadsheet and an astronomical program, nml. ...
Aug 11, 21 / Vir 27, 05 17:23 UTC
in latest times there is a lot of ashes been put in our atmosphere.. if these ashes get transported to the pols then all ice in the world will melt.. if that happens in combination of carbon-gasses and chemicals it will happen even faster.. and if we take all acidity ...
Aug 13, 21 / Lib 01, 05 15:38 UTC
I understand.
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