Apr 12, 21 / Tau 18, 05 16:16 UTC
..for a lower entree to the Asgardia website. Do your voting on the following page. Thanks, Dirk. https://asgardia.space/en/petitions/102879-lower-entree-fee/
Apr 7, 21 / Tau 13, 05 10:12 UTC
skyrocketing crypto
QTUM is going for the stars: tabel from 1 month: i hope Asgardia can profit from this rise: Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 18, 21 / Tau 24, 05 19:32 UTC
There should not be ANY effect on the SOLAR. That is the whole point of running as a Token on the Blockchain - the price of the QTUM does not affect the SOLAR The SOLAR is a stable value against the EURO at 1 : 1 exchange rate.
Apr 14, 21 / Tau 20, 05 16:15 UTC
I wonder how much the Solar gets affected by this rise. TBH, i´m not familiar with Crypto, so, is this good or bad for Asgardia ??
Apr 7, 21 / Tau 13, 05 22:45 UTC
Partnership with Indacoin Limited
See all 4 comments
Mar 20, 21 / Ari 23, 05 22:53 UTC
to the future..
traveling to the future with the logic of strait paths, speed and goal location.. Grtz,Dirk.
Mar 27, 21 / Tau 02, 05 20:36 UTC
..fax man
Mar 20, 21 / Ari 23, 05 13:44 UTC
if the whole universe is on fire thru hot cores then where does all the carbon go? well it is a matter of anti-pole, carbon should be negative against heavy material, so if a planet forms with cold carbon and its interior presses everything together to diamond and maybe even ...
Mar 27, 21 / Tau 02, 05 20:35 UTC
Mar 20, 21 / Ari 23, 05 20:57 UTC
To give you a comprehensive answer I would need more space. Let's say that the center of planets like ours exert a strong attraction depending on the high mass they have. The carbon crystallizes to become diamond when the weight of the overlying layers, combined with that created by the ...
Mar 13, 21 / Ari 16, 05 18:06 UTC
Is there radioactivity in space, on the moon, on mars, on asteroids ? .. Grtz, Dirk.
Mar 14, 21 / Ari 17, 05 01:17 UTC
YES there is. We have to create electronic devices that are hardened against radiation. We actually do radiation studies on electronic components to determine if they can survive in space. The last company I worked for did a radiation analysis and also took the electronic circuit boards to a cancer ...
Mar 13, 21 / Ari 16, 05 18:38 UTC
Mar 13, 21 / Ari 16, 05 18:37 UTC
See all 5 comments
Mar 12, 21 / Ari 15, 05 18:51 UTC
the art has been submitted: https://asgardia.space/news/155-Works-from-Many-Countries-Submitted-for-the-Bridge-to-Space-International-Contest What i find interesting is how we could use these art-works to promote Asgardia in visual ways. like for example on a billboard somewhere in a capital-space-city or even air/space-ports.. making a calendar would also be a nice promotion.. for the kids maybe a ...
Apr 5, 21 / Tau 11, 05 08:26 UTC
Damn, I missed this contest, but I totally agree that Asgardia needs a visual representation. I'd love to contribute to that. Feel free to contact me if plans are being made.
Mar 10, 21 / Ari 13, 05 22:44 UTC
today my brain seemed to be ready to do some covid19 reflections so here it goes.. as i am still recovering it will not be to deep but the last days my brain seems to kick in again.. the world has been taken by a new flew, its called covid19 ...
Mar 16, 21 / Ari 19, 05 03:14 UTC
Sorry to hear that you have been through that rabbit hole Dirk... Let's hope for even better days ahead!
Mar 14, 21 / Ari 17, 05 01:23 UTC
Dirk, If I remember correctly you are a US Veteran? if this is true, call the VA and set an appointment to get your Covid-19 Vaccine, if you choose to get it. You have to be registered in the VA Healthcare system to get it. I have my appointment for ...
Mar 11, 21 / Ari 14, 05 10:33 UTC
Nice to hear that you feel better and are on the road to recovery
Feb 19, 21 / Pis 22, 05 14:00 UTC
would it be possible to use the crypto system to secure notes like for example our words for the e-wallet. if this would be stored in space then that would be relatively save.. Grtz, Dirk.
Feb 15, 21 / Pis 18, 05 22:25 UTC
solar news: https://asgardia.space/news/Solar-Transactions-A-Major-Step-Forward Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 27, 21 / Aqu 27, 05 09:40 UTC
it would be far more realistic to use percentages of the population and budget and other things then to go for exact big numbers.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 13:55 UTC
It will probably not be a fully equipped space lab. As i see it this node is to connect other carbines and is given the name Asgardia (Earth Ark). Hopefully we will be able to put some modules in it, like for example a small computer with open hardware and ...
Jan 11, 21 / Aqu 11, 05 17:09 UTC
Connecting the ark to it would pose the diplomatic problem they were talking about cause it represents the territory of our nation. Possibly causing use to seek territory claim to the hole station being in our orbital track.
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 19:04 UTC
It will take some diplomacy, but proposing to have an answer is the least . Good idea.
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 15:13 UTC
I like your idea and support it
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 10:57 UTC
To start this group i would like to present the article from ROOM. Link: https://room.eu.com/news/asgardias-project-for-new-module-to-expand-iss?fbclid=IwAR2lybLzUVMm2FbJgcAjBeVie3LdVZaJwkR7EmzhPPPA855uTgSWT-MOcLk
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 15:19 UTC
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 15:02 UTC
The nearer a spaceport is on the equator the less fuel is needed to accelerate to first cosmic speed where centrifugal force is equal to earth’s gravity. That’s why the ESA Spaceport is not in Europe. And that’s why we won’t see Asgardias port here. Not for rocket based ships.
Jan 8, 21 / Aqu 08, 05 14:51 UTC
ok I did not know it, but I agree and it is closer than the existing one I wrote about
See all 8 comments
Jan 3, 21 / Aqu 03, 05 10:02 UTC
As we are closed to the sun now and have some rising in earthquakes and volcano's my thought is that there must be an underlying force that makes that happen. What i think is that when cores approach each other that they heat up and expand themselves. That is why ...
Jan 3, 21 / Aqu 03, 05 11:08 UTC
Hello Dirk a greeting and a Happy New Year first . Consulting occasionally USGS I learned of a theory that is finding consensus. According to this all around the ring of fire of Pacific Ocean, in the atmosphere of the planet, represents the area from which geological time the mantle ...
Dec 30, 20 / Cap 29, 04 03:16 UTC
our next alignment..
amplified sun.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 30, 20 / Cap 29, 04 23:07 UTC
i really look forward to this day, should be spacy.
Dec 30, 20 / Cap 29, 04 05:10 UTC
Great signs on our sky!
Dec 28, 20 / Cap 27, 04 12:38 UTC
news: asgardia.space/news/Former-Prime-Minister-Congratulates-Lena-De-Winne?-link
Dec 26, 20 / Cap 25, 04 12:03 UTC
was thinking (again) about an index-page of the communities to have a more overall view.. if we would compress the pictures we could see more of them in a browser-window, and with an image-map to click and go..
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