Aug 18, 24 / Lib 07, 08 12:33 UTC
if we could make small atmospheric platforms at different heights then this could be used as tourist places for views and high altitude experiences.. it could even be extended for sciences purposes.. making it a win win business plan.. with carbon and other composites it could be made light and ...
Aug 17, 24 / Lib 06, 08 03:53 UTC
Ethics and spirituality have to reenter the scene.. it has been proven that science and industry alone do not care about the future of the planet and its life forms.. the faster that we go forward the faster we are polluting and destroying everything.. via the overview effect and the ...
Aug 15, 24 / Lib 04, 08 09:05 UTC
if we would combine a digital nomad visa with an asgardian citizen passport then this would open possibilities for asgardian residents.. here i have asked the question at chatgpt: The idea of combining a Digital Nomad Visa with an Asgardian citizen passport is an intriguing concept, blending the real-world flexibility ...
Aug 15, 24 / Lib 04, 08 01:16 UTC
a recent startup is trying to become a digital country tru a digital nomad visa.. maybe Asgardia can learn or even cooperate from/with this startup.. link: grtz,dirk
Aug 14, 24 / Lib 03, 08 16:58 UTC
new news item:
Aug 14, 24 / Lib 03, 08 02:38 UTC
if a high density core rotates faster then it outer mass then it produces magnetism and electricity with its higher layers.. if this hd core is formed irregularly then there is a possibility that it flips at a certain time due the Dzhanibekov Effect.. the sun has a core in ...
Aug 13, 24 / Lib 02, 08 15:26 UTC
can an AI do lip reading, asked at chatgpt: Yes, AI can be trained to read lips, a field known as "automatic lip reading" or "visual speech recognition." This technology uses deep learning and computer vision techniques to analyze video footage of a person speaking and then interpret the words ...
Aug 13, 24 / Lib 02, 08 14:58 UTC
what if we would give each asgardian a digital contact pack so that they could have a working solution to attract other possible asgardians in their area's.. this pack could be upgraded free at regular times with a download pack.. it could contain all sorts of solutions worked out by ...
Aug 13, 24 / Lib 02, 08 14:49 UTC
debris catapult or pierce each other in space.. what if we would send some small sats with glue spray to orbit.. they could spray some of the larger ones so that they could stick them together while touching each other and make it easier to collect the small debris.. or ...
Aug 12, 24 / Lib 01, 08 21:29 UTC
about the noosphere from chatgpt, how can we use the noosphere as a thinking layer between earth and space to overcome the global problems and to go for one humanity one unity, here are some works that are related to the noosphere: The concept of the noosphere, often described as ...
Aug 12, 24 / Lib 01, 08 09:02 UTC
my visit..
my visit to the Euro Space Center became a basic one.. just enjoying my stay by taking a walk and making some pictures along the way.. here are 3 of them.. grtz,dirk
Aug 12, 24 / Lib 01, 08 07:38 UTC
Asgardia Weekly Wrap-Up: August 12, 2024 (Part 1) Sathyanarayanan Ar August 12, 2024, 09:04 Asgardian Dreamer "How to be an Alien" Sathyanarayanan reflects on the experience of feeling alienated in various aspects of life. Through this introspective piece, he invites others to consider the unique perspective that comes with being ...
Aug 7, 24 / Vir 24, 08 08:47 UTC
Found my hidden Asgardia-1 model back between my rubbish.. now that i am retired i am cleaning up the stuff i gathered here over the last 20 years.. here are some pics.. from our friend among the stars: grtz,dirk
Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 23:53 UTC
i ordered the book of Green Digital Nomads like Benjamin was talking about, lets see if that can help me with my travel to the Euro Space Center next weekend, the book should be here in a few days, i am curious.. Thanks Benjamin.. grtz,dirk
Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 23:27 UTC
Weekly Community Wrap-Up 1. Benjamin Fawley - Digital Green Nomads Posted on August 04, 2024, at 22:46 in Asgardia Benjamin shares his encounter with a colleague who lives in an electric van equipped with a hydroponic trailer. This setup, powered by solar panels and windmills, allows them to save money ...
Aug 4, 24 / Vir 21, 08 07:59 UTC
a simple example of interactivity.. take a high resolution picture of the ROOM magazine.. place an imagemap on it with interactive area's.. build an extensive quiz around that 1 picture.. linking it with other pictures would make it an endless interactivity.. it could even lead to a digital encyclopedia and ...
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