May 10, 20 / Gem 19, 04 17:11 UTC
double trinity..
And a double trinity somewhat later on 24/05/2020..
May 10, 20 / Gem 19, 04 17:00 UTC
Coming days on 12/05/2020 a strong trinity..
May 9, 20 / Gem 18, 04 05:17 UTC
The best solution for humans now is to be with both feat standing firm on the earth and elevating our spirit towards space which is the best place to be. The grounding we need to relax and space we need to absorb the good energy. Maybe that is why we ...
May 15, 20 / Gem 24, 04 16:39 UTC
May 9, 20 / Gem 18, 04 06:10 UTC
鏡中影,影中鏡 似分亦非合,似離亦非聚 ~~~~~~~ 人與人之間是彼此的鏡子影子 而 人心的理想之城也是獨一無二
May 9, 20 / Gem 18, 04 04:22 UTC
positive drive..
A ++ core with a transition metal buffer and a source of electrons.. Grtz, Dirk.
May 9, 20 / Gem 18, 04 05:34 UTC
a great display of magnetic bonds here Dirk thanks
May 9, 20 / Gem 18, 04 04:02 UTC
A simple example of cheap wind storage instead of big windmills. Can be made in a box system to mount on structures a.o. Grtz, Dirk.
May 8, 20 / Gem 17, 04 14:56 UTC
What means the word trust: if everything has to be written on a paper if no one believes what you say .. Grtz, Dirk.
May 8, 20 / Gem 17, 04 15:01 UTC
There would be a record like the pyramids for those that realize to go further faster, than if no templit is left.
May 7, 20 / Gem 16, 04 10:16 UTC
Let us divide the tasks.. the moon the industry with robots and the earth nature and humans..
May 5, 20 / Gem 14, 04 09:57 UTC
Lets say we have abandoned space-labs.. how are we sure that by re-entrance all possible bad viruses and bacteria are destroyed.. if they are in special containers then they could survive a burnout and spread at a later time by impact on the earth or by corrosion in the oceans. ...
May 15, 20 / Gem 24, 04 16:36 UTC
No espaço é mais seguro que no planeta.
May 7, 20 / Gem 16, 04 06:35 UTC
Should be noted and contained on re entree..
May 6, 20 / Gem 15, 04 12:43 UTC
The harder part would be kicking all the existing one to an outer orbit, moon, or asteroid.
May 1, 20 / Gem 10, 04 10:25 UTC
overal system..
I came to the conclusion that everything is based on the same cyclic system from small to large. The smaller the more compressed and higher energy.. the bigger the more massive forces. Here you see an example of how i see the solar-system. Most scholars and engineers will see that ...
May 2, 20 / Gem 11, 04 12:06 UTC
Similar principles or concepts to your pictures! It ’s just that the direction of the field may make the principle or concept different.
May 2, 20 / Gem 11, 04 02:08 UTC
For me the same with both sides on both sides but gravity related to the density or magnitude of magnetic fields.
May 1, 20 / Gem 10, 04 14:22 UTC
If it is assumed When we convert the total population of the earth into the total number of small squares, Then, we use the program settings, The new Rubik's Cube can make unlimited rotation and transformation also! (If the number of colors of the new magic cube is also unlimited ...
See all 4 comments
Apr 28, 20 / Gem 07, 04 17:32 UTC
If the situation of today continues then eventually all fractures will have closed down and pressure will arise. If the magma will burst out it will create a magma sea that buries all oil- and gas-fields which will ignite or explode. This will create dark clouds that go into the ...
Apr 28, 20 / Gem 07, 04 19:13 UTC
I believe that sealing all the cracks in the tectonic plates is impossible. keep in mind that the mass of the earth turns on itself at a speed of 1,660 km / h and the tectonic plates float on layers of more or less dense magma. Furthermore, the precessionary motion ...
Apr 28, 20 / Gem 07, 04 16:28 UTC
moon alignments..
View from jupiter to saturn with moons of jupiter in alignment. Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 28, 20 / Gem 07, 04 14:22 UTC
code writing..
A simple way to do code writing, or to expand the existing language, or to create a secret language, or to create an Asgardian language. Take a letter, for example A, and draw it in the 4 directions, as it is, up-down, orientated left or orientated right. This way you ...
Apr 28, 20 / Gem 07, 04 19:03 UTC
Apr 25, 20 / Gem 04, 04 21:14 UTC
The stings of the scorpions..
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 18:12 UTC
With the recent articles here in the blogs i have come to the conclusion that heavy particles can never be created by an explosion as that is the expelling of lighter materials. So it must be the implosions themselves who are creating denser and denser materials in the universe. The ...
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 19:22 UTC
or black dwarfs, which are stars exploded at the end of their bright life and reduce their volume until they become super heavy. Hence one of the phenomena of very high gravitation exerted in the approaching celestial objects. As I said, black holes are singularities that attract celestial bodies, gaseous ...
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 17:47 UTC
Can we have fear of heights in space? Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 26, 20 / Gem 05, 04 08:24 UTC
There will be big differences between standing inside a space station suspended in the air and traveling by rocket, or traveling by plane and others. But the most interesting experience would be to look at the world from the space station. At first we can have a height problem. Is ...
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 23:20 UTC
Fear of void maybe?
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 17:58 UTC
It is a bit different because in addition to the perception of height, looking from a porthole we must take into account the absence of weight that disrupts our senses is not excluded having used various performing aircraft I believe it is possible to experience a dizziness given by a ...
Apr 19, 20 / Tau 26, 04 21:30 UTC
As the title says we will have a solar eclipse, for more info look at:,_2020 Not only this event but at the same time we will have an alignment from the sun, mercury, venus, moon, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn and 9SGR (center galaxy). Grtz, Dirk.
Apr 20, 20 / Tau 27, 04 00:22 UTC
你們看! 維基百科有資料做"21世紀日食列表"的紀錄! Look! Wikipedia has information on the "21st Century Solar Eclipse List" record!
Apr 19, 20 / Tau 26, 04 22:22 UTC
5000 Years of Solar eclipses by NASA:- 1. link to webpage: - 2. link to Catalog:
Apr 19, 20 / Tau 26, 04 22:09 UTC
just mark on my calendar Tanks Dirk
See all 4 comments
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