Nov 25, 19 / Sag 21, 03 16:16 UTC
The most easy commerce is packaging. We buy a big-bag of dry food, package it in small Eco-friendly packages and sell it for 1 euro gain. This can be under the name space-food for earthly use, so that people can feel a bit like they are already in space. We ...
Nov 24, 19 / Sag 20, 03 10:26 UTC
gravity test
adjusting gravity
Nov 17, 19 / Sag 13, 03 22:15 UTC
Would it not be convenient to integrate important Asgardia events into the calendar? Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 27, 19 / Sag 23, 03 15:15 UTC
A calender feature would be awesome indeed
Nov 17, 19 / Sag 13, 03 22:38 UTC
Indeed! You can get started with it and everyone can jump in to add others! :-)
Nov 13, 19 / Sag 09, 03 08:46 UTC
Today something about the full moon. The full moon is visible by night meaning that the moon is behind the earth on the ax with the sun. If we are in the night that means no radiation from the sun but the other side of the earth during the day ...
Nov 24, 19 / Sag 20, 03 13:55 UTC
Sorry, but that shows some serious lack of knowledge regarding the orbits of earth and moon around the sun. The moon is not 'shielding' earth when in new moon phase except a short while when there is a solar eclipse. (Which does not happen too often)
Nov 13, 19 / Sag 09, 03 21:35 UTC
Hi Dirk, of course its needed to keep away from direct radiation of the sun, and to keep a station or spaceship in a special postition can reduce that problem with the radiation, but finally i think we need to find better systems to build more resistants shields and much ...
Nov 13, 19 / Sag 09, 03 19:06 UTC
I agree radiation is a major problem. Scientists will have to find a way to protect space stations and space ships from radiation besides the use of lead linings. Just imagine the cost of sending a rocket to mars with a lead lining. I myself have no idea of how ...
Nov 11, 19 / Sag 07, 03 18:02 UTC
Thanks Asgardia. Grtz, Dirk.
Nov 12, 19 / Sag 08, 03 20:51 UTC
It's quite the historic day for Asgardia!
Nov 2, 19 / Oph 26, 03 20:16 UTC
If we are planning to live in space we should take along the good things of earth and one of the most important ones is the good frequency from earth. So we should play music at 7hz in our artificial atmosphere, the grounding of the spaceship should be at 7hz, ...
Nov 3, 19 / Oph 27, 03 22:59 UTC
Great research. The shoe-men-resonance frequency. Siematic resonance. The natural things always great. The oldest knowledge.
Oct 25, 19 / Oph 18, 03 07:20 UTC
My next project will be to try to work out solutions for the future of humanity in combination with Asgardia and The Diehold Foundation from Douglas B. Vogt. Take the Red Pill by viewing his latest video: Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 22:49 UTC
We should work out a water-world in space where we live from plankton and algae and give birth under water. Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 21, 19 / Oph 14, 03 00:50 UTC
That is interesting. I may be wrong; however, wouldn't that be unpopular as that would be like living in space, and in which case people would choice to remain in a location that is easy to leave if need be (no atmosphere to exit) as habitats underwater would basically be ...
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 15:24 UTC
Hubble space advent calendar photo's 2018 as example for digital to analog products: Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 17:07 UTC
Amazing Pictures
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 15:34 UTC
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 12:34 UTC
Like i have been testing my brain over the last 3 years since Asgardia began, i came to the following conclusions. It is not exact science but i will try to picture it as such. First lets assume that a part of our brain is so called unused. Tis is ...
Oct 23, 19 / Oph 16, 03 17:43 UTC
great analyste!
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 17:17 UTC
Nice idea..but if i see whats going on in the world these times i really have the feeling that slowly we are loosing our intelligence..Everytime im in russia im visiting the Hermitage. Here you can see and feel how genius artists , amazing minds have been in contact to similar ...
Oct 19, 19 / Oph 12, 03 09:40 UTC
As we are creating digital data for our-selfs then maybe we could turn this into interesting analog things. I just had an idea about turning space pictures into puzzles for kids and adults. In that way the details in the pictures are automatically studied in more detail. Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 20, 19 / Oph 13, 03 11:48 UTC
Nice Idea, but for sure those puzzles will not be easy to finish ;-)
Oct 19, 19 / Oph 12, 03 02:10 UTC
For those interested i think i found a good link between the spirits in the old scriptures and the magnetic fields around planets and our sun. As the main ingredient of magnetic fields is positive energy in the sense of negative electricity and grounding, it seems to me that these ...
Oct 19, 19 / Oph 12, 03 11:01 UTC
Do you have any papers you could share? I find this very interesting.
Oct 19, 19 / Oph 12, 03 01:42 UTC
earthquakes Mexico
Seems there is some recent activity around the Guatemala Basin. Grtz, Dirk.
Oct 14, 19 / Oph 07, 03 23:04 UTC
Take all plastics from earth and dump them on the moon and in the meanwhile send robots and 3D-printers to start 3D-printing structures.
Oct 15, 19 / Oph 08, 03 05:38 UTC
Interesting idea
Oct 2, 19 / Sco 23, 03 16:17 UTC
nostalgic space art
I remember when i was very young to read a book from technique. It was about plains, cars and all sorts of advanced engineering back in those days. When i see now the many illustrations from vintage illustrations-books with their cosmological views about space and traveling i feel a bid ...
Sep 28, 19 / Sco 19, 03 06:23 UTC
magnetic anomaly

As i was swapping on youtube yesterday i came across an anomaly in earths magnetic field. It seemed to have started with a big solar flare. The magnetic field display tool that was used displayed a crack in earth magnetic field towards the sun. At first it was weird ...

Oct 12, 19 / Oph 05, 03 14:15 UTC
Analisis yang hebat dan luar biasa
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