Jul 29, 19 / Vir 14, 03 22:30 UTC
Today i want to talk about charges. With charges we can assume 2 things, negative and positive charges, which we can easily translate into cold and hot. The universe is cold so this means it is negatively charged. All hot body's in space are in fact over-charged positive charged objects, ...
Jul 30, 19 / Vir 15, 03 20:51 UTC
Jul 30, 19 / Vir 15, 03 20:50 UTC
It's good to see you up on the main social feed page Dirk! Side note, you may find this video helpful: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=greg+braden+earths+cycles&view=detail&mid=7550766616304E18403C7550766616304E18403C&FORM=VIRE
Jul 30, 19 / Vir 15, 03 08:09 UTC
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 17:15 UTC
If the earth is magnetic and the moon has an iron core then the moon is locked by the earth. If the magnetism of earth is disturbed due to polar-shifts would it then not be logical that the moon circles away from earth in this period? Could this have big ...
Aug 3, 22 / Vir 19, 06 07:51 UTC
Чего годать?! Полетели на Луну бурить скважину, там и узнаём всё 😎
Sep 19, 19 / Sco 10, 03 02:44 UTC
moon always inspires me, and moon is very interesting
Aug 5, 19 / Vir 21, 03 21:11 UTC
I have to find you this interesting article. I might make you think differently about everything. Let me look back at my archives and see if I can find it and I will send it to you.
Jul 26, 19 / Vir 11, 03 21:04 UTC
moon sun-view
View from sun to moon in program Stellarium.
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 23:03 UTC
So thrillng .. Like its nothing there.. Just empty and dark..😱😨
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 14:20 UTC
I love it!
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 00:18 UTC
Jul 13, 19 / Leo 26, 03 16:26 UTC
magnetic directions
What if the magnetic field is a result of the iron core circulated by the hot donut. This picture shows the 3 main magnetic positions whereby the donut directs the position of the magnetic field according to the alignment of the core or other magnetic fields close by or with ...
Jul 11, 19 / Leo 24, 03 18:51 UTC
Get used to it..
View from moon to space..
Jul 11, 19 / Leo 24, 03 21:15 UTC
Dirk hi, what program did you use? I personally use Stellarium, very good program.
Jul 6, 19 / Leo 19, 03 00:42 UTC
I think it would be a good idea to have a floating dump platform to dump materials and goods. We could start as an example with 20.000 (citizens) times 1kg aluminum and build that up to more complex materials and goods like for example a space module as a space ...
Jul 5, 19 / Leo 18, 03 23:03 UTC
sound in space
Ok, just had an expanding idea. Like we know sound makes or is vibration and if we apply that to particles then we get structures in 2D on a plate. Now, imagine what we could do with the same technique in space in 3D. We could start with a fluid ...
Jul 8, 19 / Leo 21, 03 05:47 UTC
IIs it possible in 3D? I think we might need the source of the sound, which is a 360 sphere
Jul 4, 19 / Leo 17, 03 20:54 UTC
ROOM is looking for someone in marketing support, follow the link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6552518394426478592 Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 11:36 UTC
We do not always have to invent new things. Sometimes simple combinations can help us forward with idea's or innovations. Here for example some solar-panels and a stone-saw could help us make strong structures with stones everywhere available in space. Grtz, Dirk.
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 03:01 UTC
freezing cubes
Today my idea goes about food storage in space. As we are living creatures we need food and drinks. The easiest way to store these in space would be to let them freeze over in space protected from the heat of the sun. The best would be to use mirroring ...
Jul 3, 19 / Leo 16, 03 08:56 UTC
Dear Dirk! There is a very elegant solution to the problem of power in orbit and on other planets for us. This is the use of food lyophilization technology. After sublimation drying - you can grind into flour and compress under pressure. You get small packages, very compact, for cooking ...
Jun 27, 19 / Leo 10, 03 19:18 UTC
volume balance
Positive and negative balance. The donut shape positive energy has the same volume as the remaining negative volume of the earth. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 30, 19 / Leo 13, 03 20:17 UTC
I would not ask if I do not believed you, but my rulles experiments observation required this. Sorry!
Jun 30, 19 / Leo 13, 03 20:13 UTC
About the last comment, I can messure it in a lot of differt ways, That's why I want to know the error of yours, or not, find errors is more cool, especially when find mine, lear more things, so find errors is much more fun than say:ohhh, it's right, I ...
Jun 30, 19 / Leo 13, 03 20:09 UTC
Very interresting post, but, I must ask, how do you get this conclusion? How you make the messures, before I coment. just A clue of your messuring way will be enougth, logic do the rest.
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 11:38 UTC
Just had an idea. What if we would start with a first dna-bank from ourselfs as a proof of concept. We could take a hair sample of ourselfs and put it into space as a physical dna-bank from Asgardians. To avoid incest we should label the hairs with the Asgardian ...
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 19:52 UTC
Your brain will be needed otherwise it won't be you, uploading a copy of you wouldn't be worth it, you'll be nothing but a photograph of the past and nothing will improve that.
Jul 27, 19 / Vir 12, 03 19:49 UTC
Or they may end up suffering - being used in experiments etc... I don't think this would work, we should work on what we have now.
Jun 27, 19 / Leo 10, 03 06:54 UTC
i want to upload myself into a robot, but it must be a good one with maximum sensors
See all 8 comments
Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 17:09 UTC
Today i was looking into the first scribing's of the genesis book and came to the following conclusion. It seems that the book begins with a very compact knowledge of the per-history of the earth. As i could read the beginning was put in different faces that i will mention ...
Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 08:54 UTC
Digital version of the latest ROOM magazine for Asgardia online.
Jun 18, 19 / Leo 01, 03 05:40 UTC
Hi, today i want to talk about a theory about preserving freshwater. As we can imagine if there should be big worldwide floods it should be obvious that all freshwater should be contaminated with salt, human chemicals and even nuclear contamination during such events. Now, as i was seeing that ...
Jun 18, 19 / Leo 01, 03 09:12 UTC
Not all of them. According to the Daily Express, we used the pyramids for consumption ... https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1137584/Ancient-pyramids-Egypt-tomb-Polish-Pyramids-stone-age-cannibal-archaeology
Jun 16, 19 / Can 27, 03 17:15 UTC
Just read a post on the internet about a Japanese town that plans to have zero waste by 2020. I find this a very good example as it will show what kind of waste is to much or triggers severe problems. If we would stretch this out into Asgardia as ...
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