Jun 14, 19 / Can 25, 03 19:47 UTC
Cold and hot energy's.
Jun 8, 19 / Can 19, 03 02:00 UTC
Hi Asgardians, what i am about to tell you today is something that has been already some days in my head and i can no longer keep it in the dark. As the recent events that happened plus the historic writings that forecast a big catastrophe it seems that we ...
Jun 8, 19 / Can 19, 03 05:30 UTC
Jun 5, 19 / Can 16, 03 18:07 UTC
Possible solutions below 100euro. I can give some examples of how it would be possible to go under the 100 euro fee but people have to understand that you can not buy the moon with 100 euro. On the other side 1.000.000 x 1 euro is also not nothing. I ...
Jun 9, 19 / Can 20, 03 14:13 UTC
I believe that Asgardia is currently working on a marketplace, so I hope that might be used as a revenue stream, which makes the 100 Euro fee less 'needed' (the fee is already not needed I reckon, I understand Asgardia needs funding, but the 100 Euro fee is not the ...
Jun 7, 19 / Can 18, 03 08:08 UTC
I'm afraid Dirk is right. :-) These people sell plots on the moon (and not only) for several decades: https://www.lunarland.com/gift-packages/moon-land.html
Jun 6, 19 / Can 17, 03 17:26 UTC
Oh, Dirk! The moon is for sale? Nothing is ever really ours.
See all 7 comments
May 30, 19 / Can 10, 03 13:54 UTC
The universe and how it works. Grtz, Dirk.
Jun 6, 19 / Can 17, 03 13:23 UTC
this reminds me THE HEXAGRAM of I CHING https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/I_Ching_hexagrams_00-77.svg
May 29, 19 / Can 09, 03 16:14 UTC
It is not space but light that curves.
May 25, 19 / Can 05, 03 06:00 UTC
Today i want to talk about the so called planet 9 (or10) and also called planet x or Niburu. I have here a link to wiki about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_cataclysm There has been done some research work in the religious texts about a mayor catastrophe cycle that would return every 12068 ...
May 28, 19 / Can 08, 03 13:58 UTC
And which kind Samaritan will finance and provide the population of our planet with such a generous en-suit rescue pod that'll be shot out of "advanced missile-launchers"? A lot of thought for a made-up scenario.
May 28, 19 / Can 08, 03 13:35 UTC
The leader of this is the one who believes she talks to aliens? ;)
May 27, 19 / Can 07, 03 13:17 UTC
Hi, It is true that we are in a very important age of our planet's memory. An astrological event that combines energy in a stronger peak is now for roughly 80 years (human lifetime) in alignment. with heavenly body's but especially our 2'nd sun Sirius. Some call it the awakening ...
See all 7 comments
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 05:52 UTC
universal cycle
Just woke up whit the perfect idea how the universe could work. First i will say a definition and then i shall show the sequences of the real universe as we call it and the dark universe as i see it. Ok here it goes, our solar-system is the opposite ...
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 17:43 UTC
It makes sense. Really interesting conception.
May 22, 19 / Can 02, 03 10:49 UTC
About Jupiter and company you are right!)))
May 18, 19 / Gem 26, 03 18:21 UTC
Just had an idea about how to link the end-station named black-hole to the beginning the void from the universe. This is a question that has always puzzled me as i could not find a link from the end to the beginning. As i saw scientists talk about all sorts ...
May 27, 19 / Can 07, 03 16:46 UTC
The meaning and workings of a black hole in this reality/dimension would be indeed matter gets squeezed together until its nothing more than particles found in the great Hadron Collider. bigger en bigger forces create smaller and smaller particles. The equivalent of Mount Everest in a particle until all is ...
May 27, 19 / Can 07, 03 13:39 UTC
Hi, Between 1 and 0, there is endless possibility in all there is. and this is exactly where you are. Between a star and a black hole, you're just riding the wave of light. and the universe is a recycle machine, what goes in must come out. we can't remember ...
May 18, 19 / Gem 26, 03 20:30 UTC
Hello! As far as I remember, Stephen Hawking believed that a black hole is a portal between galaxies. That I fall into the zone of impact of a black hole, gravity is so strong that it will pinch any matter into atoms. She did not even have time to come ...
May 17, 19 / Gem 25, 03 23:38 UTC
the link
universal link
May 17, 19 / Gem 25, 03 10:05 UTC
negative and positive plasma
May 16, 19 / Gem 24, 03 17:58 UTC
Today i want to talk about our pole shift. This is an on going event, whereby the magnetic northpole has shifted from NW to NE. I do not know where it is now exactly but i guess it is on its way to siberia. This move can be just a ...
May 17, 19 / Gem 25, 03 07:48 UTC
some sources say we don't have much time. Time goes on years. 2023 or earlier.
May 15, 19 / Gem 23, 03 12:16 UTC
Lets talk about possibility's to save our selfs from certain disasters. A present topic are big asteroid impacts. Deflecting them or by what ever means changing their route asks for great energy. I do not think we are ready at this moment to do this, unless we work with the ...
May 27, 19 / Can 07, 03 17:31 UTC
If i could give you a possibility to save humanity, it would be knowledge. Life and our sun are in terrible shape and not only we are indeed suffocating in our own shit but we take Gaia with us by unbalancing the system. An asteroid, a dying sun, radiation, war, ...
May 16, 19 / Gem 24, 03 16:07 UTC
we are at no larger of a risk of meteoroid disaster than we are of our own waste. Why not use the weapons of war that are held for no reason other than a threat to destroy such things.
May 15, 19 / Gem 23, 03 13:04 UTC
The catastrophes described above are quite terrible, but they can happen either tomorrow or in 1000 years. What do we do about environmental disasters? Such as billions of tons of plastic waste, which nature will deal with from 20 to 500 years, and already our children are forced to live ...
May 14, 19 / Gem 22, 03 15:14 UTC
The title, earth cycles. The main purpose of this title and these sections is about our past as today's humans and what we can do in the future to avoid certain disasters. I have already some events in my mind to write about thanks to many video's from people on ...
May 15, 19 / Gem 23, 03 21:09 UTC
The ancient gods created Egypt for 30 thousand years, then the Romans came and destroyed everything. How to protect the Earth from its own barbarians, that's what you need to think about. Even today a nuclear war could happen, where to hide? There is no way into space yet, one ...
May 15, 19 / Gem 23, 03 10:25 UTC
What do you call for, what should we figure out and what should we accept? Individuals on Earth, scientists, etc., talk and write a lot about the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on our planet. But they do not manifest themselves, then there are questions. 1. The purpose of their presence ...
May 14, 19 / Gem 22, 03 01:50 UTC
Ok, i just woke up with a great idea (dream) and i have a half hour to write it down before i must go to work. I will do a more expanded version afterwards. My brain made the link between things like believing and working together. Without going in a ...
May 13, 19 / Gem 21, 03 20:43 UTC
push and attract
Like my previous post we have also an other force with magnets which is more directly and is not depending on an exact distance, it goes from low to high. When we put 2 magnets with the opposite poles to each-other then we have a push force, if we set ...
May 14, 19 / Gem 22, 03 21:37 UTC
oh it's for everyone to look into :-) keep up the good work comrade!
May 13, 19 / Gem 21, 03 23:55 UTC
what do you think of the motionless electromagnetic generator and monopoles?
May 13, 19 / Gem 21, 03 22:32 UTC
Inside the magnetic field there is a force that moves charged particles from N to S. But that is only true for particles outside a bar magnet. Because of the fact that magnetic field lines always have to form closed loops, the force inside of the bar magnet will move ...
See all 5 comments
May 13, 19 / Gem 21, 03 20:30 UTC
How can a pole flip in an easy to demonstrate way. Take 2 little board-magnets and put them strait up so that the poles are horizontal, like in the picture. Now take one magnet between your fingers and turn it around.. what we see is that depending on the right ...
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