Mar 27, 19 / Tau 02, 03 06:48 UTC

O k, here comes a new vision or philosophy how we should perhaps look at the universe. As we live in a material world we are used to view everything primary in matter and then try to figure out what those other ...

Mar 29, 19 / Tau 04, 03 00:36 UTC
The story tunrs in to it ...
Mar 29, 19 / Tau 04, 03 00:34 UTC
The fact that is a part of mind that is not conectes whit time, time does not exist, it is a derivate of speed, and mass, and, after a long story, not very long, turns in E=MC"2"
Mar 27, 19 / Tau 02, 03 08:47 UTC
Courage. Our universe is over a dozen billion years old. It will not disappear so quickly. Evolve? Yes. Will change us? Yes. Will we change the universe? Maybe. Eugene Wigner stated that the choice of the quantum state is made in ... observer's consciousness. Considerably simplifying, the human mind creates ...
Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 21:58 UTC
Mar 28, 19 / Tau 03, 03 06:48 UTC
I liked Lembit Öpik's piece page 72! Very positive, focussed and insightful! :-)
Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 10:43 UTC

iron, crystals and plasma.

Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 21:21 UTC
Foreseeable :)
Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 11:12 UTC
Well. Where is the sphere of life?
Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 10:34 UTC

waves and frequencies intensifying

Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 09:31 UTC

close-by and far-away cores

Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 10:26 UTC
...but how does it sound ... :)
Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 10:05 UTC
I think space is not empty. Rather full of sound
Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 09:19 UTC

cores and marerials

Mar 26, 19 / Tau 01, 03 09:56 UTC
Or maybe the music of celestial spheres: Mercury = Soul Venus = Smooth jazz Neptun = Space rock
Mar 24, 19 / Ari 27, 03 14:55 UTC

earthing or mooning

Mar 23, 19 / Ari 26, 03 14:32 UTC


Mar 22, 19 / Ari 25, 03 18:48 UTC

Citizen science project turns research into a quest...

Grtz, Dirk.

Mar 30, 19 / Tau 05, 03 14:04 UTC
Mar 22, 19 / Ari 25, 03 19:34 UTC
Mar 20, 19 / Ari 23, 03 11:57 UTC

dome inside concrete pyramid

Mar 30, 19 / Tau 05, 03 13:15 UTC
Looks appropriate for constructing Mars/Moon houses.
Mar 29, 19 / Tau 04, 03 00:26 UTC
Liked the piramid, but there are some math that you must know, it is not simetrical ... well ... it is, long story. I tell later, must find my notes.
Mar 22, 19 / Ari 25, 03 03:47 UTC
collective thinking leads us to the proximity of something fantastic, life flows and interrelates, congratulations!
Mar 17, 19 / Ari 20, 03 19:51 UTC
mind boggling..

Ok this one is very far fetched. Lets asume a very old advanced civilization came to the idea or had the knowlegde of something far greater then we can grasp for the moment but it would be in the same time something very obvious and very ...

Mar 17, 19 / Ari 20, 03 11:13 UTC
Moon Congress

Asgardian Students, this is your moment to come to the Moon Congress in Brugge in Belgium. You can subscribe for a ticket at the following link:

Grtz, Dirk.

Mar 30, 19 / Tau 05, 03 13:59 UTC
Who is considered as student?
Mar 19, 19 / Ari 22, 03 00:03 UTC
Awesome! Will be great to meet you again David after our Vienna experience last year! :-)
Mar 18, 19 / Ari 21, 03 10:16 UTC
I try to be there too and if not at least meet with some of you in the evening. It's also only 45 min driving for me. BTW: I advise to also visit Ghent (30 min by train), very authentic medievel city, less the feeling of an open air museum ...
See all 5 comments
Mar 16, 19 / Ari 19, 03 21:06 UTC
Moon surface

I was looking on google/moon and found an interesting site on the visible side of the moon towards the southpole. Looks like 2 mountains with a darker side. I have here 2 layers above each other. A gray shadow layer and a color layer with a ...

Mar 30, 19 / Tau 05, 03 13:19 UTC
Are these true colors?
Mar 16, 19 / Ari 19, 03 19:33 UTC

We need a moonrover or moonrobot to start with some sifting of different diameters of rock so that we can after words start with some concrete tests with moondust, small stones and water. Maybe we could add an extra ingredient to strengthen the drying of the ...

Mar 13, 19 / Ari 16, 03 07:16 UTC
spinning particles

Today i woke up with a concern. I had previously read something about Stephen Hawking saying that he had concerns about the particle colliders to create black-holes. Also there where reports of strange electrical happenings about people which took video's which i viewed last night. Now, ...

Mar 13, 19 / Ari 16, 03 15:59 UTC
English, correctly, is not one of my superpowers, kkkkkk. Talk a lot of nonsense things it is, or not, maybe they are correct observations, only the time will tell, ... I speak* too much, that's for sure.
Mar 13, 19 / Ari 16, 03 15:54 UTC
Man, if you think that I'm being with greatness sickness, I'm not, thank my alter ego I'm not telling the rest.
Mar 13, 19 / Ari 16, 03 15:49 UTC
Life is already not cool with jokes, imagin whithout it! Sorry.
See all 5 comments
Mar 10, 19 / Ari 13, 03 20:30 UTC
desktop garden

Today i have amused myself creating a simple desktop garden with a lava-rock and some green plants. All is placed in a flat ceramic plate with some rainwater that i poured over the lava-rock. And to finish i have put my hoody with the first logo ...

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