Mar 9, 19 / Ari 12, 03 19:29 UTC

If we are planning to make buildings then i propose concrete pyramids to protect us from natural and space dangers, like asteroid impacts or sun-bursts. The pyramid constructions around the world seem to have withstand time and disasters. We should build to protect us from impacts, ...

Mar 9, 19 / Ari 12, 03 18:27 UTC

magnetic shield

Mar 10, 19 / Ari 13, 03 16:58 UTC
Is there any means to know it?
Mar 6, 19 / Ari 09, 03 11:39 UTC

As there is a difficulty to change directions of heavy asteroids i was thinking at a little trick to change the heavy weight directions. By pulling the tail towards the new wanted direction and pushing the head to the wanted change, we slow down momentum and ...

Mar 9, 19 / Ari 12, 03 02:48 UTC
Hello my friend your idea is very promising and creative is what we need
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 23:03 UTC
We will not going anywere saying ooohhhh the world need peace, ooohhh the world is falling, the humans are bad, we need to eat vegetables not living beings, hhhhmmmmmm, ?????????. But trying to do something like you. Some day we will get there with you, not with miss universe. Thank ...
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 23:00 UTC
Very cool, keep going, is very cool your stuff, very nice, at least someone who is not talking about world peace and that stuff of miss universe. kkkkkk. Best regards.
See all 6 comments
Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 21:10 UTC

Formation of mass and gravity.

Mar 9, 19 / Ari 12, 03 02:51 UTC
Hello my friend, I understand the concept of your idea
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 23:35 UTC
Aaaaanddd ... the universe has not an end, it is not begun, it is not will be, it is the 3 things at the same time, almost all the humans cannot understand that.
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 23:32 UTC
That I understand and is correct. Buttt .... is a drawing for child of physics, the real draw has to be in 13 dimensions, but, I get it, it is right.
See all 4 comments
Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 19:18 UTC
electrical field

I just thought about our magnetic field around earth and how it changed over past decades. As we are putting more and more electrical signals into the atmosphere whereby we are putting - electron waves around the earth, i was questioning the possibility if we are ...

Mar 9, 19 / Ari 12, 03 03:02 UTC
Hello my friend, yes you are right; man-made industrial activity is interfering with the earth's magnetic field, among other things as well, climate changes caused by human activity affect the ionosphere and decrease the salinity of the oceans and this is a worrying factor that is not being considered by ...
Mar 7, 19 / Ari 10, 03 21:04 UTC
No one has led observations of our magnetic field before 20 century, maybe it's changing every 1000 or 10 000 years or so, but something tells me that you're right.
Mar 2, 19 / Ari 05, 03 14:44 UTC
Basalt era..

Lets imagine we are on the moon and the only thing we could find to build something would be lava rocks aka basalt. I was thinking at some robots on wheels to collect rocks and to start building basic structures with lava rock they can handle. ...

Mar 9, 19 / Ari 12, 03 03:11 UTC
Hello my friend, your idea is very good, but recently the Chinese mission confirmed the existence of other minerals in the moon beyond basalt, the development of graphite technology will be possible to build structures more durable and resistant to the hostile environment of low gravity and strong radiation on ...
Mar 1, 19 / Ari 04, 03 20:13 UTC
Learning pattern..

I just had a thought on why we actually learn always the same things over and over again. Let me explain. I will start ahead and come back to the younger ages. Lets say we learn a profession and this takes us always all most a full live to ...

Mar 2, 19 / Ari 05, 03 09:05 UTC
Что бы искоренить коррупцию требуется поступать как в Китае - РАССТРЕЛИВАТЬ и ВЕШАТЬ принародно за это !!!!!! Иные меры БЕСПОЛЕЗНЫ . В России даже ее госдума ввела термин - НЕ ПРЕОДОЛИМОЙ СИЛЫ . Таким образом если тебя НАСИЛЬНО заставили взять деньги от дающего , то вроде бы коррупционер и не ...
Mar 2, 19 / Ari 05, 03 03:25 UTC
Есть правда одно но. Роботы нужны с разными темами и разными профессиями. Школьникам не одно и тоже нравится, у них в жизни большое разнообразие.
Mar 2, 19 / Ari 05, 03 02:21 UTC
That is a wonderful idea and I hope we can form a society that would allow for that to happen without the system becoming corrupt.
Feb 27, 19 / Ari 02, 03 11:02 UTC

Spinning, pumping.

Mar 2, 19 / Ari 05, 03 07:25 UTC
Thank you a lot for the tip, did not know were to buy this components, and sorry about the comment, the picture do not have information to make such comment, buuuuut, still do not believe it works, just seen it, again, thank you for the tip and show the idea. ...
Mar 1, 19 / Ari 04, 03 19:08 UTC
Ps: very close, that's the idea, I made one, but mine is more ... powerfull, antigravitacional is for not been smashed by aceleration too. I made whith broken eletrodomestic stuff, And NASA ... Ohhh we are poor .... buá, buá ...
Mar 1, 19 / Ari 04, 03 19:04 UTC
I made a mental experience, sorry, was idea, that's how you learn, trying, but is not going to work, but I think I get the idea, was very good, the metal in the compartiments, as you call it, is to control the distance from the gravitacional center, good, but not ...
See all 6 comments
Feb 23, 19 / Pis 26, 03 19:14 UTC
stamps - belgium

I still think that a digital stamp exchange between Asgardians would be a good start to take something from analog hobby to digital ecommerce as an example of concept.

Grtz, Dirk.

Mar 1, 19 / Ari 04, 03 16:55 UTC
Luv this idea.
Feb 24, 19 / Pis 27, 03 17:59 UTC
This stamps is like a time machine :) And i do love idea for digital stamps.
Feb 24, 19 / Pis 27, 03 05:00 UTC
I have to find back my collection of Soviet stamps then!
See all 5 comments
Feb 22, 19 / Pis 25, 03 21:14 UTC
UN scientific centers..

This is meant as an example how the UN or more specific UNOOSA has build their space science centers on the different continents, maybe we can learn something from this.

Link to pdf:

Grtz, Dirk.

Feb 24, 19 / Pis 27, 03 16:31 UTC
The pamphlet was published in 2008, does it still exist?
Feb 23, 19 / Pis 26, 03 17:37 UTC
А мы разве уроки эти не учли? Да мы простой элементарности не можем сделать.
Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 21:01 UTC
Body Mind

As an extension from my electron theory. Our body is the + particle and our mind is the - electron. Our body gets drawn to the center of the earth by gravity pull or + particle pull. Our mind wants to be in the heavens like ...

Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 22:21 UTC
И ещё, что тело, что душа имеют плюс и минус, отдельного у них нет, всё совместимо, даже информационное поле где и там есть плюс и есть минус, вечная подзарядка для батареек.
Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 22:17 UTC
Почитайте про НЛО У них в основном бионика и синтетика, биология у них в прошлом, да они изучают нашу биологию, но для того чтобы могли владеть синтетикой и в неё переселяться, бессмертие, они так же смертны.
Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 22:13 UTC
С научной точки зрения тело это временное явление, био тело. Нужно в будущем иметь синтетическое тело, тогда проще будут вычисления. Биология она не под власна науки, только смело можно решать математику с синтетикой, оно подвластно науки, совместимо к научным изменениям.
Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 19:28 UTC

Spin, gravity, electrons.

Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 22:03 UTC
Сначала надо создать двигатель нулевого цикла, а потом от него и плясать так сказать. Двигатель нулевого цикла решит все наши не изученные проблемы, анти гравитацию вмиг расшифруют тогда наши уважаемые учённые.
Feb 19, 19 / Pis 22, 03 21:31 UTC
Asgardia-1 storage..

Since my Asgardia-1 storage is used up i will post my pictures in the blog now. Mostly without a comment and no reply's so that i have no interference in my tinking path that i am building up here in Asgardia. Feel free to use my idea's but they ...

Feb 20, 19 / Pis 23, 03 01:39 UTC
Dirk, can you share with us what are you trying to figure out?
Feb 17, 19 / Pis 20, 03 19:29 UTC

Here you see a little chart with in the middle the objects and their anti object. It is read from the middle to the left and from the middle to the right. It is a step in my own learning how i think at this moment things work a ...

Feb 14, 19 / Pis 17, 03 21:49 UTC
new land..

Just asked myself the question if somewhere in an ocean there would start a volcano and made an island like Iceland. To who would it belong, or would it be chosen by drawing straws.

Grtz, Dirk.

Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 01:06 UTC
Yep. Maybe we can get a group interested and formulate a petition that would require the government to seek unclaimed land, purchase some from another country, or create some type of island so we can be called a nation by the UN and get this ball rolling! Since if we ...
Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 00:07 UTC
Главное начать. =)
Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 00:05 UTC
Нужно добиваться Асгардийцам сделать срочно этот проект. Проект по заселению ни чей ной земли. Тогда и работа у Асгардицев будит, а это плюс пенсии пенсионерам нашим, плюс прибыл после освоении да и т.д. и т.п., А самое главное это это мечта в космос.
See all 9 comments
Feb 9, 19 / Pis 12, 03 14:13 UTC

Going up in the list of most active users. We could use some new users also.

Grtz, Dirk.

Feb 11, 19 / Pis 14, 03 09:53 UTC
Active users doing that?
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