Feb 6, 19 / Pis 09, 03 22:25 UTC
universal clocks

Our universe is run by universal clocks. These clocks are for example made out of heavy weight cores fighting for the absolute center between them. While doing so they send out vibrations called gravitational waves which come in different waves, frequencies and oscillations. It is this central clockwork that ...

Feb 1, 19 / Pis 04, 03 19:56 UTC
Energy and mass

Energy and mass, 2 interchangeable forms of energy. The mass as kinetic energy and the energy as electrical energy with sub-particles. Let us put this in an example as a black-hole that recycles itself true a galaxy or nearby star. If we put mass together with mass by pressure ...

Jan 30, 19 / Pis 02, 03 12:19 UTC
Combined forces.

Imagine that someday all big planets in the solar-system would align with the sun, as some close by other big heavy weights like stars or star-systems, sun-like-wise spoken. Most of them, if not all, have magnetic forces that reach far in to space, like for example that from our ...

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 08:04 UTC
NEO Earth Close Approaches

Jan 25, 19 / Aqu 25, 03 19:01 UTC
Deep Space Travel

Deep Space Traveling. What a good solution could be is to pick out an asteroid who has a big elliptical orbit around the sun or to the outside of the solar system. It would need to have a certain gravity with an additional ...

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 14:58 UTC
Да, во много раз эффективнее будит когда на астероидх могут быть перерабатывающие заводы. Вот только к ним придётся встраивать паровые двигателя.
Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 06:35 UTC
Mass/Weight/Volume/size of ship would have to be consider in ratio to the asteroid. The pull of gravity and movement of both objects would need be consider. Distance between two objects factors. Also asteroids move in circules orbit motions etc. Another factor to consider floating attached to asteroids how would it ...
Jan 18, 19 / Aqu 18, 03 15:32 UTC
moon color

Left we see the moon color as with our eyes as it reflects the light that is coming from earth. Right is the same image but inverted, so that gives us the colors that are absorbed by the moon. Now, would that be a prove that ...

Jan 30, 19 / Pis 02, 03 20:06 UTC
The moon is yellow because its made of cheese.
Jan 18, 19 / Aqu 18, 03 16:04 UTC
Так это даже не вооружённым глазом видно. Наша земля голубая с зелённым оттенком называемая цифровой матрицей. Если как следует приглядеться, то как бы видны зелённые цифры. Когда компов не было не было и сети, планета была голубовато синяя. =)
Jan 17, 19 / Aqu 17, 03 22:14 UTC
Jan 18, 19 / Aqu 18, 03 07:54 UTC
Interesting NASA is not on that list.
Jan 16, 19 / Aqu 16, 03 23:04 UTC
Magnetic travel

Ok, this one is going to attract some type of space observers. Lets say we place a magnet between the earth and the moon in space, what should happen is that it should follow the magnetic route that is at that moment present. Now, lets ...

Jan 30, 19 / Pis 02, 03 20:07 UTC
i learned his in physics
Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 22:09 UTC
Jan 10, 19 / Aqu 10, 03 21:36 UTC
artificial planet

If we would start in orbit and on the moon with some basic central structure and then travel to mars with it to place it in the orbit of mars around the sun and there we could add some further structures made in space with the ...

Jan 11, 19 / Aqu 11, 03 07:41 UTC
Dear Dirk, With regard to gravitational force, we can address the issue. If we want to live in orbital stations or in outer space in the future, we will need to produce artificial gravity. This is why ISS astronauts cannot function continuously. I hope I'm old enough to go on ...
Jan 11, 19 / Aqu 11, 03 06:13 UTC
Solar Power Stations closer to the sun could beam via laser, their power to stations further out in the solar system. These beams could also be used for communication at the same time.
Jan 8, 19 / Aqu 08, 03 18:41 UTC
energy storage

I was thinking about what space could offer us and at first thought one would think nothing as it is empty. But if we would take our thoughts a step further what we notice are different states of matter and energy in space. So in ...

Jan 15, 19 / Aqu 15, 03 06:17 UTC
This is innovative.
Jan 10, 19 / Aqu 10, 03 10:02 UTC
Wow it cool
Dec 30, 18 / Cap 28, 02 18:40 UTC
space data

Space data, the next sources of income. If we could send a mini-satellite with a cam and other sensors to the asteroid belt and let it drift along within the belt while we store some close-by data then this data could be picket up by passing ...

Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 00:45 UTC
What kinds of data are you looking to collect from the Asteroid belt? types of rocks, what they are made of etc.etc. or for Navigation purposes?
Dec 31, 18 / Cap 29, 02 09:19 UTC
Happy new year Dirk :)
Dec 28, 18 / Cap 26, 02 14:29 UTC
civilization crossroads

To go somewhat further on my previous idea. In the map above you see blue lines. Those lines are parallel with the track that Hawaii made in the past on the pacific plate in the red lines. First we have the somewhat horizontal lines which picture ...

Dec 26, 18 / Cap 24, 02 22:35 UTC

If you are curious what space-crafts are up in the sky then you can look them up on the Outer Space site:


Grtz, Dirk.

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 22:12 UTC
A Man with the Plan (Brain) 👍
Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 00:03 UTC
Very good information Dirk, thank you...
Dec 20, 18 / Cap 18, 02 21:49 UTC

Today we had a big quake near Russia at the top of the big old plate from the Pacific Ocean. This plate causes much quake activity to the west where it goes under Asia. Today something fell to my attention and that is that Hawaii is ...

Dec 19, 18 / Cap 17, 02 02:15 UTC

Tonight i woke up with an idea about sub-particles. We know that atoms have particles and that these particles have even more sub-particles. These are very sticky so they must have come from great energy sources. My idea is now that every time there is a ...

Dec 12, 18 / Cap 10, 02 14:09 UTC

Everything we know at what ever level exists as bubbles. Lets go to space. We have earth with his space-bubble, that goes on to the most outward regions around earth, high orbit i think it is called. To me everything inside that high-level orbit is part of earth. So ...

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