Jan 2, 21 / Aqu 02, 05 15:28 UTC
Sou um parlamentar em Asgardia Space
Prezados Asgardianos do Brasil. Sou membro do Parlamento, eleito para representar os brasileiros e demais falantes de língua portuguesa, e convido todos a acompanhar meu trabalho, me seguindo no Facebook, (https://www.facebook.com/gian.martinel ),onde estarei colocando notícias atualizadas sobre Asgardia e sobre os prefeitos eleitos no Brasil.
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 08:09 UTC
I voted for you my friend! If you want this is my link :) asgardia.space/elections/parliamentary-elections/candidates/328?-link-328
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:19 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 02:26 UTC
Thank You !!! Obrigado!!!


(English Version)

Through this article, I thank all the Asgardians, from all corners of Planet Earth, who cast their vote of confidence in me, providing a very expressive vote on my campaign platform.

I was elected parliamentary by district 9, ...

Nov 21, 18 / Sag 17, 02 15:39 UTC
Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 14:13 UTC
https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/science-and-technology-176/ Добрый день .Разработка темы Паралельный мир раздел Наука и техника , форум АSGARDIA открывает возможности ВЕРНУТЬ свою молодость и продлить жизнь до бесконечности .Все это описывается в моей теме на форуме .Хотите вернуть свою молодость подключайтесь в помощь разработки данной темы .Вместе мы сила и общими усилиями мы разработаем ...
Oct 27, 18 / Oph 20, 02 15:08 UTC
Congratulations Jean, wish you can achieve all your dreams.
See all 14 comments
Mar 12, 18 / Ari 15, 02 03:00 UTC
Parker Solar Probe
Include your name on NASA's "Parker Solar Probe" mission

Inclua seu nome na missão "Parker Solar Probe" da NASA


Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 23:48 UTC
Greetings! I want your vote. Let us build the Society that will serve as an example and parameter for those who have remained in the Error of the repetitions of the old paradigms. See my platform. https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/25668/
Mar 29, 18 / Tau 04, 02 17:16 UTC
Thank you Jean.
Mar 29, 18 / Tau 04, 02 03:58 UTC
I voted🙏
See all 7 comments
Feb 28, 18 / Ari 03, 02 05:18 UTC


We are in the final line of voting, and at this point, you must endorse your vote, and I will be endorsing my vote for all the candidates who voted for the parliament and the government.

Who has not yet decided, I invite you ...

Mar 14, 18 / Ari 17, 02 00:59 UTC
I voted,And I support your efforts.
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 08:02 UTC
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 23:28 UTC
thats ok ! i voted
See all 26 comments
Feb 22, 18 / Pis 25, 02 04:45 UTC
Importance of voting / Importancia da Votação


Muitas pessoas hoje em dia, desconhecem o poder que tem em suas mãos, poder este que pode mudar os rumos de uma nação.

Numa democracia, a qual estamos construindo no Reino de Asgardia, um passo fundamental para que ela efetivamente seja uma democracia, é ...

May 4, 18 / Gem 12, 02 14:21 UTC
Ola Jean. Sou novo candidato em ingles. O que e "upvotes"?
Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 15:45 UTC
Obrigado, iremos trabalhar para construir uma Asgardia modelo para humanidade 🙏
Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 00:53 UTC
Boa Noite tenho visto a propostas e gostei muito mesmo eu estando candidato tem meu apoio e se caso tem alguma coisa que possa para ajudar estou a Dispor tem meu voto....
See all 7 comments
Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 00:05 UTC
Campaign Proposals:

Campaign Proposals (English/Chinese/Portuguese)

Mar 2, 18 / Ari 05, 02 06:46 UTC
i voted for you!! vote for me too. Tks!!
Feb 28, 18 / Ari 03, 02 04:39 UTC
i voted for you too!! very tks!! :)
Feb 28, 18 / Ari 03, 02 04:26 UTC
Thank You for your support! Now that the votes have been reset I need your vote again. Thank you again and let's work for a realistic future together!
Jan 30, 18 / Pis 02, 02 01:56 UTC
Campaign Proposals..

English: Campaign Proposals.

Portuguese: Propostas de campanha.

Feb 4, 18 / Pis 07, 02 19:13 UTC
Basic rights of citizens, first those of the Constitution of Asgardia, and access to Education, Health, Employment, and social security, as well as the protection of human life. I believe that these are the basic ones, and our constitution of Asgardia has to guarantee these rights, and I as a ...
Feb 3, 18 / Pis 06, 02 19:59 UTC
Please understand I mean these questions with respect and sincerity - you mention in your proposal a desire to protect the basic rights of the citizens of Asgardia. I would like to know more about the basic rights as you understand them, regarding such topics as health, legal rights, legal ...
Jan 30, 18 / Pis 02, 02 01:50 UTC
United by an ideal..


Here we are all united by an ideal.


Aqui estamos todos unidos por um ideal.

Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 00:23 UTC
https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/26120/ Trabalho com tecnologia sempre tento inovar, desde pequeno tive a ideia de criar um sistema de conhecimento tecnológico, e vejo que ASGARDIA tem muito potencial para ser uma realidade e pode ser ainda melhor. Peço seu voto para poder colocar em praticas algumas das minhas iniciativas para este projeto
Jan 30, 18 / Pis 02, 02 01:42 UTC

"Hands that help, are wiser than lips that pray"

United by an ideal, we can change the world. Join me in this change. Vote for me on the Parliament of Asgardia, and together we will change the world.

Portuguese: "Mãos que Ajudam, são ...

Jan 30, 18 / Pis 02, 02 01:29 UTC


In the area of Health and Welfare, I intend to present projects of accessibility and social inclusion, of people with physical disabilities and other deficiencies. Let's end all kinds of prejudice.


Na área de Saúde e Bem Estar, ...

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 04:07 UTC
Sim...! Óbvio e Necessário...!!!
Jan 2, 18 / Aqu 02, 02 22:27 UTC

Campaign proposals: (English/Chinese/Portuguese)

If elected, I intend to bring to the parliament, projects that deal with the scientific development of Asgardia, with the purpose of raising funds ...

Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 01:17 UTC
Parabéns pela campanha limpa e honesta, digna de um Asgardiano. Nos dias que antecederam as eleições parlamentares em Asgardia, eu conheci pessoas altamente qualificadas para ocupar um cargo no Parlamento, mas que por algum motivo não conseguiram chegar alcançar este objetivo. O que eu tenho a dizer para estas mentes ...
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 23:18 UTC
As idéias dos Irmãos Asgardianos são inovadoras, como devem ser! Acho incrível o momento que estamos vivendo. A construção do NOVO, a partir de idéias e ideais baseados no livre pensamento, na fraternidade, no amor toda criação e na tolerância em todas as suas formas, nos mostram que nossa Nação ...
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 03:25 UTC
Dear Mr. Jean Martinelli, I like your proposals for medical technology, social inclusion and education, that's why I support your candidacy in your electoral district. You have my vote Thank you.
See all 27 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hello Asgardian citizens, My name is Jean Carlo Martinelli, I teach Physical Education in schools and fundamental schools, and I also work in the science museum in the city of São Paulo called Catavento Cultural and Educational. My university education is Pedagogy and Physical Education, and at the technical level ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi , im currently in australia . Im 22 years old and im studying to get my BOS degree in chemistry and hopefully further that by getting a PhD in later years .
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hello all. I am a former U.S. Army soldier, trained in Basic Life Saving, I have a very rudimentary knowledge of basic medical procedures, along with an incredibly defined sense of duty. I suppose as one of my NCOs put it, "If you got shot in the battlefield, you could ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Hi Asgardia love one's, I'm fatemeh ghodrati and I'm born 8 January 1992, I have computer diploma, I have expertise with acdl,social media,internet I'm translator to English to farci, farci to English,Turkish to English,English to turkish, farci to turkish,Turkish to farci, I am a space,flight,aerospace lover, I love music, i ...
See all 7 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I have an idea to eliminate the fake Asgardians. Each national chapter will check its members. A team of moderators from each country will ask members for a valid document from their country of origin that is easily verified with local governments. In Brazil, we have a social number called ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
I am wondering if the ,fake members, are computer generated or they are real people, if they are real people should we not let them be whomever they want to be, is not one of our goals and mandate to embrace all in equality, why then should we judge how ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
There are people registered in Asgardia who use fake names like Jaspion, Superman, Batman, and my suggestion is that in each country a group of moderators be formed to filter out these surreal cases. I know there are some types of documents in each country that are easily verifiable over ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:26 UTC
What you planned to is like creating some linkage between Asgardia and govenments on earth. It is not necessary. And as Chinese I can tell you it's not easy to check with government while at least in paper Chinese take the most part of our population. For those already having ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I believe that bitcoin would be the great currency option for Asgardia, due to the fact that our citizens reside in several countries, bitcoin would greatly facilitate the business in Asgardia.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I think business will be better solved in dollars.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Before we worry about a national currency, I think we should first come up with a banking system that is as tamper proof as can be. We do not want a repeat of what has happened in the US. Greedy selfish folks screwing over the rest of the citizens. If ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I like the idea of using bitcoin as the currency, though I wish the value would finally stabilize for the sake of conversions. Though I think some form of a resource based economy is ultimately the way to go.
See all 19 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I believe that bitcoin would be the great currency option for Asgardia, due to the fact that our citizens reside in several countries, bitcoin would greatly facilitate the business in Asgardia.
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 16:23 UTC
I agree using Bitcoin or crypto currency as the currency for Asgardians
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC

BitCoin is not sutable as it can not be influenced by the govenment. We can create any electronic currency but it should be posible to manipulate it by government acts. Say issue, emit.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC

I don't like Bitcoin. I think it is a bad idea cause it's often used for criminal activities. We should make our own crypted currency.

See all 43 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Vamos nos conhecer melhor, e juntos contribuir para que Asgardia se torne uma nação forte e soberana...
Feb 16, 18 / Pis 19, 02 13:26 UTC
Meus amigos, a eleição está as portas, precisamos nos unir em prol desse sonho, de termos uma Asgardia forte, e com pessoas comprometidas na evolução e no bem da humanidade. Essa é uma oportunidade de votarem em seus representantes para que sejamos a voz dos Asgardianos de língua portuguesa. Conto ...
Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 23:28 UTC

Boa noite à todos! Me chamo Jeferson, moro em São Paulo e atualmente estou na escola técnica cursando informática (programação).

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC

Bom dia, sou Willian Nascimento de Brito Almeida, Curso bacharel em Enfermagem, Piloto Privado-Avião, etc, sou de Mauá, São Paulo, e é uma honra poder contribuir cada dia mais com este fantástico projeto.

See all 62 comments
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