Apr 24, 18 / Gem 02, 02 15:10 UTC

我相信人類潛藏各種可能性,可能是肉體上,可能是精神上,可能是靈魂上。離開熟悉的地球,人類將可以在名為宇宙的新世界中展現嶄新的可能性。 Asgardia 將會是人類歷史上的一個轉捩點。

I believe that humans being comes with all sorts of possibilities, perhaps in body, perhaps in spirit, and perhaps in soul. Leaving our mother earth, mankind will be able to show hidden ...

Apr 24, 18 / Gem 02, 02 15:02 UTC

我相信人類潛藏各種可能性,可能是肉體上,可能是精神上,可能是靈魂上。離開熟悉的地球,人類將可以在名為宇宙的新世界中展現嶄新的可能性。 Asgardia 將會是人類歷史上的一個轉捩點。

I believe that humans being comes with all sorts of possibilities, perhaps in body, perhaps in spirit, and perhaps in soul. Leaving our mother earth, mankind will be able to show hidden ...

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