May 19, 20 / Can 00, 04 09:38 UTC
The new Unreal Engine 5 tech demo is the Bee's Knees!
Although I shudder at the idea of creating a game with that level of fidelity for a 30+ hour experience (as tweeted by the naughy dog creative director.) But a few thoughts that strike me, this will simplify the art pipeline greatly. The barrier to entry for the indie developer ...
May 19, 20 / Can 00, 04 08:39 UTC
Hey folks, welcome to the Asgardian game dev community!
May 19, 20 / Can 00, 04 23:28 UTC
Currently working with Godot/Blender. About 30 years of experience in software development. Game Dev is a WHOLE new ball game!
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