Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Hello, fellow Asgardians! :) My name is Francisco Gimenez, I am a Global Moderator of this forum. I am eighteen years old and from Argentina, province of San Luis. Currently I'm preparing myself to be a student of the Faculty of Medicine, and become a neurologist some day. Contact me ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
In the Ministry of Science board we can find the following forums: "Physical sciences", "Biological sciences", "Psychological sciences". This classification is incomplete and unpractical, as it does not include all sciences. If this classification is used, a high number of other forums should be included (like "Chemical sciences", "Medical sciences", ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
I agree with Dirk: Computer Science.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Yes, of course. But according to this rules: Engineering, Technology and Astronomy, should be include to Physical Science part.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:24 UTC
Well I agree with most of this, but we should be careful with all that divisions on different groups and sub-forums. For example, my specialization is biophysics, and it related to wide variety of other topics (like molecular biology, mathematics, chemistry, biochemistry etc.), so if there will be too much ...
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