Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 14:16 UTC
Working together and a positive thinking, things can be done faster.

I am currently studying energy engineer, and have a business administration bachelor's degree. I am positive and forward thinking with different back grounds. I'd like to be a good representative of everyone. I am committed and my objective is to see this project come true. Thank you.

Sep 24, 17 / Sco 15, 01 03:32 UTC

Saludos te deseo buena suerte en este esfuerzo, van pocos votos animense hermanos!!!

Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 02:50 UTC
Lets Talk about it,   Vamos a hablar al respecto. How do you like this like leader basis ? ¿ Como te sientes al respecto con el criterio like-lider ?

How do you feel now of being Asgardian? ¿ Qué se siente ahora ser Asgardiano ?

Would you change something? ¿ Cambiarías algo ?

After the press conference, How do you feel ? Despues de la conferencía de prensa ¿ Cómo te sientes ?

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Hello everyone, I come to you all, asking for some help I wrote this book. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7y-EwvQNJnwMm1DbmVIdm1JU0k/view?usp=sharing (click on the link or paste and copy on your browser) is in spanish, I wrote it before I knew something about asgardia, and It appears to fit the philosophy I think asgardia might ...
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