Oct 12, 18 / Oph 05, 02 12:19 UTC
Felicidades Asgardianos y Españoles !!!

Felicidades conciudadanos Asgardianos y Españoles por esta doble conmemoración de fiestas nacionales que celebramos el 12 de Octubre. Poco a poco este proyecto va tomando forma, vienen momentos históricos para nuestra Nación espacial. Un abrazo a todos.

Congratulations fellow Asgardians and Spaniards for this double ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 20:15 UTC
nuestra misión... soñar / our misión... to dream

Seria un honor representar a Asgardia en España y ante el resto del mundo, construyendo este sueño junto a tantos soñadores hasta hacerlo realidad

It would be an honor to represent Asgardia in Spain and to the rest of the world, building this dream together with so ...

Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 00:08 UTC
Asgardia te necesita vota por mí si mis propuestas te satisfacen https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Spanish/25009/
Dec 29, 17 / Cap 27, 01 16:51 UTC
Hola Xiro. Perdona por no haber contestado hasta ahora pero he estado liado este tiempo. He visto que eres de Cordoba, yo vivi allí unos años cuando era adolescente, que recuerdos... y ahora formamos parte de la primera Nación espacial. Poco a poco esto va tomando forma. Feliz Navidad Asgardianos.
Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 01:24 UTC

Saludos Asgardiano Alphacosmos, soy Daniel de la Poza "Xiro". La curiosidad del ser humano y las ansias de conocimiento y saber, nos hacen a todos y cada uno de los seres humanos que habitamos este planeta azul, especiales y únicos. Por esa razón estoy muy de acuerdo con tus ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
En el video que se ha publicado el día 12 he echado de menos una traducción al idioma español, existiendo sin embargo para otros idiomas menos hablados que el nuestro. El español es un idioma que hablan más de 600 millones de personas, el segundo en hablantes pero el primero ...
Nov 20, 18 / Sag 16, 02 16:47 UTC
Tienes toda la razón. El inglés medio lo domino, pero me siento inseguro con algunos temas importantes, y siempre tengo que andar con el traductor. Al menos las cosas importantes deberían publicares en varios idiomas.
Aug 10, 17 / Vir 26, 01 01:49 UTC

Alphacosmos, llevas toda la razón, aunque el español, llegue a ser un idioma secundario, debería tener más importancia ya que es el segundo o el tercer idioma mas hablado en el planeta Tierra. Así ayudarían a poder expresarse la gente con mayor facilidad si no conocieran el inglés o ...

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
Por cierto, no sé si será casualidad (aunque las casualidades no existen y en un proyecto tan amplio y trascendental como este todo se calcula con lupa), pero ¿os habéis dado cuenta de que la fiesta nacional asgardiana se celebrará el mismo día que la fiesta nacional de España?... curioso
See all 8 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello, We can help to United Nations consider grant to Asgardia the status of Nation. If many asgardians send individual petitions using the form to fill in, in UN web, il will be more easy that the world take in serious our claims, because this is the most difficult step ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Dear Jason, as you have observed throughout these days I did not start the discussion, I just answered, and it has been inevitable to respond to the provocations of bluecloud, there are people who take the forums as a way to vent their frustrations criticizing everything they read. In any ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Gentlemen, Please remember that the point of these forums is to allow us to discuss things in a civil manner. Showing respect to each other as individuals and our ideas, please keep this in mind when you are making posts, or comments / replies.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Bluecloud, I will not limit myself with the way of expressing, because you are the one who has proved to be a presumptuous, rather foolish person who has no brain and therefore no ideas, and who only knows how to criticize and boycott what others want to do since the ...
See all 34 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello, In each nation, citizens need Police that protect them. Asgardia wont be a militar power, but we need internal security. To short or medium term no one will attack Asgardia in space from Earth, that will be very difficult. We can think about military question then. In any case, ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
As much as we will need an internal "peace force", there will be a need to protect the station from external threats. To be defenceless against potential threads is an invitation to be held hostage to them. At the very least we need a method to deter or protect from ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
People do not actually need a police force to keep themselves safe. However, having at least a security force and a place to detain troublemakers if necessary. On a space station is a prudent idea considering the possible consequences of not having one. Someone said Asgardia's biggest threat will come ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
hello there , am a asgardian from Iran. its a pretty good idea for use in space , every citizen need some police/security or guard to protect them , keep calming down every chaos and anarchy (even a little fight between citizens people) . i am sure i want to ...
See all 6 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello, I think we´ll need a great Exobiology proyect, because one of the most important misión of our nation will be the Earth protection. Exobiology includes the knowledgement of potentialy dangerous asteroids and the defense against them. And the search of life in other worlds or how Life starts in ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
I agree that we would need a useful project such as this. To open space travel even further, the areas above Earths atmosphere should be clear of debris and more safe for Spaceships/ satellites to travel through. Even more important than that, through my opinion, is the discovery of extraterrestrial ...
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Hello from Spain: Juntos haremos que este grandioso proyecto tenga un futuro glorioso, es una carrera a largo plazo, pero lo lograremos con ilusión y constancia. Suerte a todos. Together we will do this great proyect have a glorious future, it´s a race to long term, but we will reach ...
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