Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 15:35 UTC
Hay temas que son vitales para el futuro de Asgardia, uno de ellos:  No, a las cárceles
Estoy preparando un trabajo al respecto, pero me gustaría saber algunas de sus opiniones, sienten que es posible, que le pondrían al sistema carcelario actual que marcara la diferencia como Asgardianos y como sociedad del espacio de qué forma podríamos abolir esa forma de aislamiento. Gracias saludos y nos encontramos ...
Dec 3, 22 / Cap 01, 06 22:26 UTC
Well, Dirk, they're healthy people with more developed reptilian brains, not Mentally ill the aggressor arises in extreme social situations
Nov 30, 22 / Sag 26, 06 17:00 UTC
professional psychological help with additional medications..
Nov 23, 22 / Sag 19, 06 17:39 UTC
Equity, solidarity and transparency
Many colleagues have been thinking about the need to go from what seems ideal to what is viable and realistic at this moment in our history. Regarding residence for countries with major problems of parity with the euro, it would be very convenient to organize a resource fund for potential ...
Dec 8, 22 / Cap 06, 06 23:22 UTC
That’s incorrect! Ms. Gallardo is correct in her usage of equity in her post. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.
Nov 26, 22 / Sag 22, 06 02:23 UTC
In this way, unlike equality, equity is not about treating people equally, but about taking into account personal circumstances and establishing concrete actions to remedy disadvantages so that everyone can start from an equal position.
Nov 26, 22 / Sag 22, 06 02:22 UTC
The root etymology of words, true can give us the true meaning, thank you very much
See all 7 comments
Nov 22, 22 / Sag 18, 06 17:52 UTC
Thanks to all for the feedback
Thank you for your help and comments, I think it is very valuable if you give me ideas if you wish, I have written some works in collaboration with other people and it is always enriching, so I am very grateful to Kevin for noticing the detail in the sum ...
Nov 19, 22 / Sag 15, 06 18:39 UTC
Essay:   From the ideal to the real, first words
What are we for the orbit of the earth and deep space as humans, and why do we consider it the place to inhabit in the future, no longer as ethereal entities but as flesh and blood humans? A human being is like thousands of us who are now and ...
Nov 21, 22 / Sag 17, 06 22:06 UTC
Thank you for your help and comments, I think it is very valuable if you give me ideas if you wish, I have written some works in collaboration with other people and it is always enriching, so I am very grateful to Kevin for noticing the detail in the sum ...
Nov 21, 22 / Sag 17, 06 21:50 UTC
Thank you very much Kevin, I thank you very much for your help
Nov 21, 22 / Sag 17, 06 19:44 UTC
if I may correct you just a little -- the world population just turned over 8 BILLION, that makes your essay all the more poignant.
See all 4 comments
Nov 17, 22 / Sag 13, 06 18:16 UTC
What is our real work to create a habitable place from orbit and deep space
What meaning does it have for humanity to become heirs, until now we know that it is the rich who inherit but knowing exactly what is worth inheriting carries a deeper value of understanding, inheriting a space to preserve the human species is what the most important thing that we ...
Nov 17, 22 / Sag 13, 06 18:02 UTC
What do those of us who have set our eyes on space expect?
Each of us has seen the beginnings of a story that came with the stories and filming of Jules Verne, the trip to the moon at that time was an unusual event placed in the memory and gaze of humanity. Possibly not everyone thought it was possible to go that ...
Nov 16, 22 / Sag 12, 06 19:24 UTC
Asgardia Our path:  Meritocracy and Pragmatism
About meritocracy and pragmatism Hello, dear Asgardians here again in Asgardia our path, among the parliamentarians we have analyzed on more than one occasion it will be possible to encourage the path of parliamentarians to a path with fewer potholes, will it be possible? We do not know what we ...
Nov 17, 22 / Sag 13, 06 05:10 UTC
Nov 13, 22 / Sag 09, 06 17:58 UTC
Reacciones al video puesto en las redes sociales
“Estas con las mismas palabras en muchas ocasiones, estás segura de que de acuerdo a tu nivel (rivel) tenemos la misma idea del futuro?” Ciertamente rivalizar con los actos que nos favorecen al planeta debe tener un cauce y un entendimiento, para los que me han leído mi obra soy ...
Nov 8, 22 / Sag 04, 06 22:25 UTC
El mundo y su diversidad
Dicen que las personas con poca visión desarrollan su capacidad auditiva, otros señalan que las personas con autismo son mucho más perceptivas; hay cualidades que no desarrollamos de la forma debida por centrarnos en lo que los otros observan al vernos diferentes. Nos intimida que nuestro defecto o huella personal ...
Nov 5, 22 / Sag 01, 06 17:25 UTC
Dreams and the path
It is interesting to look back over these six years of parliamentary life, I clearly remember my motto when I started the journey: "Clean Space for All", an affront to those who market space orbit with satellites. However, marketing the orbit and at the same time taking care of it ...
Nov 6, 22 / Sag 02, 06 00:13 UTC
I would not dare to assure that he is being influenced, the situation for us is that the big governments and their agencies already have strategic plans, the issue is that they accept that we are a nation that seeks to occupy the orbit and at the moment we have ...
Nov 5, 22 / Sag 01, 06 23:04 UTC
I completely agree with what you stated here. It's so disheartening to see all that space junk just floating around and seeing Others like Musk or other countries moving forward to colonize the moon and Mars. Like can they focus on cleaning up the mess they made here first! Igor's ...
Oct 31, 22 / Oph 24, 06 20:34 UTC
Resources and the Asgardian year of 13 months
Possibly none of us who are now part of Asgardia have been marked by the calendar in a special way, since not all of them have thought about whether its influence is a valuable sign for each of us when founding a new and special nation. In my particular case ...
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 23:58 UTC
If I win the popular vote again: Amp. Ariadne Gallardo Figueroa
Perhaps as some of my colleagues point out, what we should know is what you all think of our work, that is the first step to advancing in the candidacy. Today is a special day where the intuitive part allows us to see what makes us stay in Asgardia and ...
Oct 30, 22 / Oph 23, 06 18:33 UTC
Thanks a lot for your good wishes AMR
Oct 29, 22 / Oph 22, 06 19:01 UTC
All the best with the coming election.
Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 20:43 UTC
Candidata a nueva ronda o no...
Tal vez como señalan algunos de mis compañeros lo que debemos saber es que opinan todos ustedes de nuestro trabajo, ese es el primer paso para avanzar más adelante en la candidatura. Hoy es un día especial donde la parte intuitiva nos permite ver lo que nos hace permanecer en ...
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 12:02 UTC
La credibilidad de quienes nos votan sería la misma en personas así o de que forma validar el voto de los residentes sobre el tema, espero que todo residente tome en serio su perfil y su actitud en la página oficial, bueno los seguidores son un tema muy interesante de ...
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 11:58 UTC
Aun me pregunto si en la casa de uno, que es en este caso la página que representa nuestra nación digital seguiremos admitiendo a personas que no dan la cara, ¿lo haríamos en la propia casa?
Oct 28, 22 / Oph 21, 06 11:56 UTC
Algo que seguiré criticando en la propia casa de nuestra nación es a las personas que hacen comentarios con un nombre que podría no ser el de ellos o ellas, que hacen cualquier declaración que no harían mostrando su rostro, que van a los post de otros pero en su ...
See all 8 comments
Oct 16, 22 / Oph 09, 06 17:57 UTC
Los ciclos del sistema solar nos dimensionan a todos nosotros
El tiempo fue creado como una forma práctica de comunicarnos con los otros, ese momento que nos da experiencia personal y nos hace ver en los otros al coincidir en nuestro tiempo. No podemos separarnos de lo que somos para el sistema solar y el ritmo que nos lleva alrededor ...
Oct 24, 22 / Oph 17, 06 17:40 UTC
Oct 3, 22 / Sco 24, 06 20:17 UTC
The Family and Children Act is running to the next ALF
According to what was indicated in the note, I have placed the paragraphs that refer to the citizenship committee and the wonderful words of our Prime Minister Lena de Winne. We move forward and a new course is being prepared for the end of October, greetings to all of you. ...
Mar 31, 23 / Tau 06, 07 21:11 UTC
Posiblemente logre ver la luz en el siguiente parlamento
Oct 5, 22 / Sco 26, 06 03:40 UTC
Thank you very much for your likes, the. Road is long, not finished cordial greetings to all Asgardians
Sep 24, 22 / Sco 15, 06 17:21 UTC
¿Cómo imaginamos los mundos biológicos que nos son indiferentes?
Posiblemente en el espacio la vida más nutrida que deambula por ahí sea la de organismos unicelulares, esos que pueden ser benéficos o altamente peligrosos para otras especies. ¡Qué opinas!, ¿Cómo sería el trato de nosotros como terrícolas con criaturas que nos consideren una amenaza? Para todos los que no ...
Sep 26, 22 / Sco 17, 06 13:15 UTC
Thanks Alekset, this is the adaptation of the species has been the great success of life, hopefully we adapt accepting, greetings.
Sep 25, 22 / Sco 16, 06 13:15 UTC
most likely we, as a species, destroyed them or they us, whoever is more adapted will be the one who will win. But I hope that peace and love will win in the future.
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