Apr 25, 18 / Gem 03, 02 06:59 UTC

Dear fellow Asgardians, dear MPs elect,

This is brief note to clarify some on-going misunderstandings.

1. MPs elect will only become MPs after the completion of verification and the Parliament session at the end of June.

2. The only actions which are requested ...

Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:16 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 10:44 UTC
hi my friends i need these two books mathematical principles of heat transfer perturbation methods for engineers & scientists
Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:26 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
See all 7 comments
Nov 10, 17 / Sag 06, 01 17:22 UTC

A Cygnus cargo spacecraft will launch to the International Space Station on Saturday (Nov. 11) to deliver supplies and science experiments to the Expedition 53 crew. Today (Nov. 10), NASA TV will air a live briefing about the science on board beginning at 3 p.m. EST (2000 ...

Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 04:20 UTC
Good Please support me Thanks
Apr 6, 18 / Tau 12, 02 13:26 UTC
sıra orada da ondan
Apr 4, 18 / Tau 10, 02 07:27 UTC
Gidipte napcaz, dünyanın anasını bellediğimiz gibi uzayında bellemeyelim.
See all 36 comments
Oct 31, 17 / Oph 24, 01 16:57 UTC


Dear Asgardians,

Borders exist only on the maps and in our minds. From space you can see only continents and blue ocean, no names of the countries, no political regimes or economic situation, no war conflicts, no allies and no enemies.


Oct 18, 18 / Oph 11, 02 14:03 UTC
üstad haklısın ama şuan orada yerleşim başlamadı başladığı zaman oradada nufüs yoğunluğundan paylaşımlar oldukça çatışma olacaktır. Yeterki asgardia ca paylaşmak
Oct 7, 18 / Oph 00, 02 17:11 UTC
согласен прежде всего с этим тезисом,потом-каждый должен заниматься своим здоровьем во благо Общества? во имя собственного "Я".
Sep 15, 18 / Sco 06, 02 14:37 UTC
Шатер Авраама. СТЕНА НЕДОВЕРИЯ в Иерусалиме должна быть разрушена В ХХ веке, после 2-й Мировой войны, враждующие державы оккупировавшие Германию, разделили город Берлин, железобетонной стеной, оснастив Её жесткой охраной. Жители города, были 40 лет разделены БЕРЛИНСКОЙ СТЕНОЙ и невероятно страдали от этого, мечтая Её прорвать. 9 ноября 1989 года Мечта ...
See all 44 comments
Oct 12, 17 / Oph 05, 01 15:39 UTC
Happy founding day, asgardia!

Today is a first anniversary of Asgardia and you can see how much have been done already!

Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 16:36 UTC
祝贺你我的国生日快乐,我为我能成为一个阿斯加迪亚公民感到欣喜! Congratulations on the happy birthday of my country. I am delighted to be an Asgardians.
May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 11:03 UTC
which photo is this which photo is it
May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 11:02 UTC
See all 58 comments
Oct 4, 17 / Sco 25, 01 10:33 UTC
60th anniversary of first artificial satellite launch

Human history changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball and weighed only 83.6 kg. It took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path. That launch ushered ...

Jan 7, 19 / Aqu 07, 03 07:56 UTC
Congrats Sputnik, Welcome to the ne world!
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:05 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
Nov 14, 17 / Sag 10, 01 02:57 UTC

De fato, este evento marcou tanto a humanidade que se ele não ocorresse nós poderíamos estar neste momento em outra situação outra era! Pena que muitos utilizam os avanços científicos para coisas escusas em benefício de poucos.


In fact, this event marked so much ...

See all 8 comments
Sep 8, 17 / Lib 27, 01 09:49 UTC

The contests for the national symbols of Asgardia took place on the website www.asgardia.space in the period of 15 October 26 to 20 January 2017.

Please follow below link to see the results of the popular vote and find out which symbols became the most popular. Winners ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:05 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
Dec 15, 17 / Cap 13, 01 06:04 UTC

how would someone get a license agreement, i would love to start 3d printing items with asgardia logo's on them, For Asgardian's

Oct 12, 17 / Oph 05, 01 19:17 UTC

Hi Linda,

As a citizen of the USA or any country you have the right to use the flag and symbols pretty much anyway you want. You can find flags from any country on almost anything including napkins, plates, etc. and you can sell and buy them. ...

See all 39 comments
Sep 1, 17 / Lib 20, 01 16:08 UTC

Under the leadership of chairman Ram Jakhu, the CEC has reviewed the candidacies and confirmed the independent Voting Commission, comprised of the following Asgardians:

Paul Bellamy (Asgardian from Australia) -Chairman

John Spiropulos (Asgardian from Hong Kong) - member

Robert Thomas (Asgardian from the ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:05 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
Sep 4, 17 / Lib 23, 01 09:46 UTC

you've done the best work, thanks


Sep 2, 17 / Lib 21, 01 09:13 UTC

смотрю с надеждой на информацию о завершении голосования! Это даёт опоры на устойчивость

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 14:47 UTC
UNESCO and Asgardia International Non-Governmental Research Society on Space establish cooperation on Space Science

On 29 June, UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, and Mr Igor Ashurbeyli, President of the Asgardia International Non-Governmental Research Society on Space (IUFV), signed an agreement to foster high-quality research and education by rewarding individuals and institutions for their outstanding contributions to the development of space science and the expansion ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:05 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
Aug 18, 17 / Lib 06, 01 16:04 UTC

very like

Aug 2, 17 / Vir 18, 01 22:37 UTC

Wonderful, I liked it!

See all 4 comments
Jun 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 13:38 UTC
What are space industry projects be of interest for asgardia?

All space agencies are developing their own projects both open and secretly in benefit of their countries and agencies itself. Reaching Moon and Mars are the greatest priority nowadays and everybody knows something about these NASA, ESA, Roskosmos projects, although there are many projects that are not advertised that ...

May 17, 18 / Gem 25, 02 12:47 UTC
ello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:06 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
Aug 18, 17 / Lib 06, 01 16:05 UTC


See all 5 comments
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:30 UTC

Space exploration is a highly technological, scientific industry that creates jobs worldwide and shows revenue of billions of dollars. Modern aerospace careers include engineers, scientists, technicians, computer programmers, pilots, mechanics, graphic artists and administrators and many others. Careers specific to space exploration include those in the physical sciences, ...

Jun 11, 18 / Can 22, 02 08:30 UTC
Hey, Your vote is important for me. Just check my Platform and if you like then cast your vote for me.
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 21:06 UTC
Hello! My honorable Asgardian fellows, For creating the best space nation and protecting the earth please vote for me. Today's last day. Don't wait please vote now. I need your support. Please vote for me. Here is my platform: https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/English/21006/
Oct 27, 17 / Oph 20, 01 22:27 UTC

I could be the Cosmic Guide)))) This is my direction ....

See all 10 comments
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