Jul 4, 18 / Leo 17, 02 02:06 UTC
Retorno al Ser

El Ojo de Horus, que mejor símbolo para representar el retorno al Ser, a la unidad, como describen los geroglíficos y relatan la historia del dios Horus, hijo de los dioses Osiris e Isis. En su reinado de paz, Osiris es destruido por Seth, hermano de Osiris quien se ...

Jul 4, 18 / Leo 17, 02 03:03 UTC
Return to Be (english): The Horus Eye, what better symbol to represent the Return to Be, the unity, like it was written on jeroglificos, the Horus god history, the Osiris & Isis's son. In his reign of peace, Osiris was destroyed by Seth, the Osiris's brother, who take the gods ...
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