Feb 5, 21 / Pis 08, 05 18:24 UTC
I am new at this platform, and cant afford to buy solar, is anybody here to assist me?
Feb 6, 21 / Pis 09, 05 06:19 UTC
To my knowledge the only way to become a Resident and not pay the 100 solars (€) is to follow the path some of the Volunteers have taken and be granted as a "thank you" a one-year Residency for free. Check the volunteer centre on the official Discord server: http://bit.ly/asgardiaserver
Aug 21, 18 / Lib 09, 02 17:26 UTC

I am a peace loving person, and want to demolish poverty from this world ,and I have a dream of diseasefree world .

Thanks to all asgardians

Jul 18, 17 / Vir 03, 01 15:40 UTC

I know that having faith on a unique concept can lead us to a brighter future.

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