Dec 8, 19 / Cap 06, 03 21:34 UTC
M 31 Andrómeda Galaxy
Find the Andromeda galaxy using the Great Square of Pegasus. Here’s another way to find the galaxy. It’s a longer route, but, in many ways, more beautiful.
Dec 8, 19 / Cap 06, 03 21:31 UTC
M31 Andromeda Galaxy Primer plano
The Andromeda galaxy is the closest big galaxy to our Milky Way. At 2.5 million light-years, it’s the most distant thing you can see with the eye alone.
Dec 7, 19 / Cap 05, 03 19:20 UTC
Messier 42
Nebulosa de Orión M42 o NGC 1976, es una nebulosa difusa situada al sur del cinturón de Orión.​
Dec 8, 19 / Cap 06, 03 00:49 UTC
Dec 4, 19 / Cap 02, 03 19:55 UTC
Messier 45
Also known as the Pleiades or Seven Sisters, is a bright open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus, the Bull.
Mar 24, 18 / Ari 27, 02 00:13 UTC
Mar 24, 18 / Ari 27, 02 00:13 UTC
Cultura en Asgardia ⭐️
My name is Angélica, but everybody calls me Mottart.
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