Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 08:50 UTC
Let everyone have a wonderful very productive Week
My name is Mary, I would love to be part of the parliament and represent them all in order to build a future where we can all have a nation where there is peace and equality for all its citizens.  ...
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 21:29 UTC
Dear Asgardian Brothers! Tomorrow 04-04, we remember the 50 years of the death of the "Man who had a dream". Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the perssonalities that had great influence in my formation. I do not need to tell you how much this man has been or ...
Mar 30, 18 / Tau 05, 02 23:19 UTC
Greetings! I want your vote. Let us build the Society that will serve as an example and parameter for those who have remained in the Error of the repetitions of the old paradigms. See my platform. https://asgardia.space/en/elections/candidates/Portuguese/25668/
Mar 12, 18 / Ari 15, 02 10:51 UTC
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Dec 14, 17 / Cap 12, 01 11:33 UTC
  1. Luchar por establecer los derechos para defender tanto nuestro future hogar como el Planeta tierra.
  2. Establecer una buena calidad de vida para todos.
  3. Organizar una base de ...
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 08:49 UTC
Hola Jean, Muchas gracias por haber votado por mi, por motivos de trabajo no he podido segir las eleciones y los procesos, siento mucho no haber podido votar por ti, espero que los resultados de las elecciones hayan sido favorables para usted. Saludos, Lusmary F
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 08:37 UTC
Hi I hope you are well, For work reasons I had not had time to read the messages. I hope your application for the elections was favorable for you. regards, Lusmary F
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 22:38 UTC
Hi, Lusmary! It's me again. I am Lucio Garcia da Costa, Bachelor in Social Sciences, Federal Public Employee and resident in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil and I am a candidate for the Government of Asgardia. I'm not here to ask for your vote. I will be happy, simply ...
See all 5 comments
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