Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 11:39 UTC
Happiness, Peace, Freedom and Equality for the Asgardian Nation

My campaign

I will make sure that every Asgardian is happy as this is what everyone is looking for in life.

Most of us are looking to live in peace, prosperity and have the freedom and equality in every part of our life and i ...

Apr 13, 18 / Tau 19, 02 15:40 UTC
hyi, help me please
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 13:33 UTC
I put my vote on you now I would like you to vote for me:
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 20:48 UTC
Hello Mahmoud, the countdown of the final round of voting begins, so I invite you please to confirm your vote. If you are an undecided voter, I advise you please to check my updated profile. If your are satisfied and convinced by my Parliamentary program, Vote for me and I ...
See all 5 comments
Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 23:15 UTC

I would like to thank you for reading my platform.

I will make sure that every Asgardian are happy as that is what everyone is looking for.

Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 02:10 UTC
أنا حقا أحب منصبك ، لذلك أنا صوتت لصالحك. أنا مرشح مقاطعة 9 ، تحقق من منصتي جدا.
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 17:42 UTC
مرحبا، أنا مرشح لشغور في البرلمان في منطقة أسغارديا 9 البرتغالية. لقد حللت منصة حملتك، وصوتت لصالحك، وأيدت تصويتي أيضا. أدعوكم إلى معرفة منصة حملتي، وإرجاع صوتك لي. مع أطيب التحيات !!!
Mar 5, 18 / Ari 08, 02 12:01 UTC
Dear Asgardian, I am pleased to participate in your District 8# Arabic I like you to place your support in my candidacy of district # 4 Spanis, you can vote for me in:
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