Jun 7, 20 / Can 19, 04 19:16 UTC
I would like to put out there that there are many of us with the will to want to see change in the world and want to see Asgardia in space one day. I am afraid the only thing holding us back is the capital to do so. I would ...
Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 07:24 UTC
Understanding the impossible

Finally we have been given a chance for change. We do not truly anderstand everything but i know we are one step closer today.

Nov 10, 18 / Sag 06, 02 12:47 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
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