Jun 27, 22 / Leo 10, 06 17:03 UTC
I love music and engineering
As a musician creator I love to compose music about space, I produced an album called; Solar. I hope you like!! https://open.spotify.com/album/7dNWGGrhZWKOjjjnaetxex?si=A2I7f4PxSaCmMwQ78sbA3w Thank you for your attention!
Aug 1, 19 / Vir 17, 03 23:23 UTC
El mundo esta en una etapa donde podríamos llegar a colectar tanta información de enfermedades que podremos llegar a predecir que enfermedad podría usted desarrollar y de esta manera evitar que usted se enferme. No es magia blanca ni de otro color, es ciencia aplicada a los datos. Imagine poder ...
Apr 28, 18 / Gem 06, 02 23:04 UTC
Disruptive concepts to reach better results for


 in short Terms.

Today we have opportunity to share ideas and concepts to generate and spread the motivation. Right now Asgardia is almost in a born stage and consolidating the core structure to reach a solid building. But we cannot forget there is a lot of challenges ...

Nov 9, 18 / Sag 05, 02 05:46 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Aug 9, 18 / Vir 25, 02 17:25 UTC
Honestly! I believe you have a similar way of thinking to me! I agree on many of your points if not id just like to improve! I'd say for the time being we need to create a better forum and virtual meeting area with a more consolidated focus on what ...
May 5, 18 / Gem 13, 02 01:20 UTC
Interesante comentario Juan Pablo, así es vamos por un camino donde todo es nuevo y somos pioneros de una nuevo amanecer, un censo que mida la temperatura participativa de la nación asgardiana es una gran idea.
Aug 31, 17 / Lib 19, 01 22:08 UTC
Develop new Automonomous technologies

We need to develop the tools for the next generations, the path for this technologies must be to create autonomous tools and automation processes. I love to research and create tools, Now I'm working to develope automation processes and Artificial Intelligence tools for several areas like security, administration and ...

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