Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 17:41 UTC
The message to mankind of the III Millennium. Universal Awakening

The purpose of man of the third Millennium

1. Man was born to be free. Free in all directions. Free from the need to fight for survival, from the gravity of the earth, from the conditions of nature, from the limitations of ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 17:14 UTC
Ttranshumanism as a socio-economic formation of the third Millennium

1. Where's the world going?

Every sane person sometimes wonders:

"In what direction is the world moving, humanity as a whole, as a reasonable civilization?

What social order, a way of life will replace the existing one?»

What will the future ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 17:06 UTC
Culture and scientific and technological progress
 as indicators of the General development of civilization

The change of the vector of human evolution

Culture and scientific and technological progress, as we know, for centuries have been a measure of the development of society, human evolution, indicators that humanity is growing, developing.

What is scientific and ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 17:09 UTC
We have not found happiness, freedom, and moved to the next evolutionary class – we have not become gods, Siddhas, titans, or even just super humans. We have not fulfilled the evolutionary task entrusted to us by the Creator, the Universe, Nature. All these hundreds of thousands of years we ...
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 16:53 UTC

Transcendental transhumanism (TT) – spiritual direction in the modern transhumanism, grounded in 2001-2005, the Russian Master of yoga, the follower of the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, Abbot of the Monastery of yoga "Collection of mysteries" – Swami Vishnudevananda Giri.

~ Followers of TT ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 16:45 UTC

From time immemorial, culture and scientific and technological progress have been the measure of the development of human evolution and society.

However, by the end of the XX century it became clear to mankind that the industrial and ...

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 16:44 UTC
Our future

From time immemorial, culture and scientific and technological progress have been the measure of the development of human evolution and society.

However, by the end of the XX century it became clear to mankind that the industrial and ...

Dec 12, 17 / Cap 10, 01 06:08 UTC

ॐ OM

Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 16:32 UTC
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 16:31 UTC
Apr 1, 18 / Tau 07, 02 16:28 UTC
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