Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 21:21 UTC
Asgardia may come up with a solution to humanitarian risk .. 2019- N CoV
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 21:16 UTC
Should Urdu be added in the languages commonly practiced in Asgardia ?
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 21:14 UTC
What are the basics on which Asgardia must focus on primarily?
What are the basics on which Asgardia must focus on primarily? What are the pillars that mark Asgardia to be a success? What are the main hurdles for Asgardia to achieve inn the comming millania ?
Feb 12, 20 / Pis 15, 04 16:50 UTC
Feb 12, 20 / Pis 15, 04 16:50 UTC
Hurdles would Be acceptance and lack of involvement from Within. Everyone must have A humble roll to play in order for us to achieve the success of Asgardia. The main complaint I have seen in the past is those contributing time feels they do not gain appreciation. Their time is ...
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 23:27 UTC
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 20:55 UTC
Having the status of Asgardian citizen what would be your preference. Share us your main focus ?
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