
Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 19:48 UTC

Re: Asgardia Certificates  

Got mine, must have made the first batch. Stoked to get it printed and hanging in my office

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 20:12 UTC

Got mine too. Was waiting about it. Really happy to be part of the first to have it and to be part of the first génération of Asgardia.

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 20:55 UTC

Got mine and my daughters. Not quite what I was expecting, I thought it would be more an ID card like document, but nice anyways.

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 21:01 UTC

@SirMcTod ,until we be recognized by the UN theres will be no id (almost 100% sure),since we dont count as a nation for the time begin, after that there will be a id Card

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 21:13 UTC

I haven't recieved mine as of yet. I would like to know where we are ranked. I know i was one of the first 100,000 registered as the total number was under 100,000 at the time. I also think it would be nice to be known as the founders. I know there are founding fathers but i believe the first should be recognized. No special or anything just acknowledged.

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 21:19 UTC

Dear IT team and all engaged people, you have done a great job! THANK YOU.I am super excited!

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 21:24 UTC

i waited long i'm happy to be a part of asgardia

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 21:29 UTC

Nice. :)

They should send the emails using a mail provider. 100k emails are no big deal once in batch. And they don't need days or weeks, they need minutes to deliver.

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 22:19 UTC

Nihylum, neither creating those PDF files nor sending the mails is a big deal. Once the design is created the PDF can (and it seems is) be done on the fly. Sending 100k plain text mails with an attachment of this small size can be done within a few minutes on a single server, no need to pipe the users id's through an external service.

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 22:55 UTC

Got mine! My wife should be getting hers also. Glad to be here!

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 23:05 UTC

I will get my Asgardia certificate, Thank you Asgardia.

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 23:10 UTC

i have already gonne into "My Application" and printed mine , the email will take some time to come anyway ,

PS: Going to make a portrait to it

Янв 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 01:06 UTC

Kool!! I just joined the club. Makes me wonder my fellow Asgardians, we should maybe be networking. Creating friendships, supporting Asgardian business owners and not just talking over fiber optic lines. Food for thought.

Янв 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 03:51 UTC


  Последние изменения внесены:  Jiawei Cao (Asgardian)  на Янв 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 03:51 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Янв 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 06:19 UTC

Received mine. Thanks Asgardia!