
Мар 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 15:14 UTC

CHRONICLES - Mars Exploration Is Just A Decade Away  

Hello Asgardians!

There is a new article up in the Chronicles on the asgardia.space website!

The title is "Mars Exploration Is Just A Decade Away" and talks about some of the current Mars Missions that are scheduled to launch between 2020-2030.


Please share your thoughts on the exploration of solar system planets. Do you think that our generation will be able to see humans stepping on Mars?

Let's hears your voices!

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

Мар 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 15:40 UTC

Great posting and video. When people ask me where and what we'll be doing, I talk with them about the facts that there currently isn't any agency that really governs space clearly enough. As we grow as a nation, I see consulates in different locations, (ISS, moon, Mars) that help work with governments to help with treaties, and businesses.

I feel like the technology is there, we're testing it now, and the capability will be soon. It's not an easy choice going to another planet that's that far away. I understand that there is fear of the unknown, but we've conquered it before, and we can again!

Мар 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 22:39 UTC


Yet again another great post with video. I do feel that the technology is there , it's being tested now with the hope of achieving the capability soon.it isn't a easy choice going to a distant or far away planet because of the fear of the unknown. But we have done this before and it can be done again.

There is a slight glich with space because as far as I know , there is no space agency which properly governs space clearly enough. As we grow and develop as a nation, I can see consulates in different locations ( earth , ISS, moon or Mars) that help work with government's and businesses on space related topics.



Мар 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 23:45 UTC

I personally say YES, This is my wish and I'll be so lucky in my life if this is happening i mean if I go to mars, if I have a tiny chance, i love and want it to going to mars, I like and I love this idea I think that our generation (asgardia nation) can be able to stepping on Mars.

Мар 15, 17 / Ari 18, 01 10:48 UTC

" Several small nuclear reactors will supply the complex with energy. Alternatively, electricity will be generated by sun panels, however they will not be effective during Martians sand storms".

I believe that it is possible to accelerate work on the creation of our sails due to the expansion of the scope of the mirror thin-film structures. In the early 1990s in Russia, was conducted experiment "Znamya-2" for lighting the surface of the Earth using solar sails. The experiment was successful, although further work was stopped for technical and financial reasons. It is now fashionable theme is the creation of long-term manned base on Mars. Such a mirror, only much larger scale, can be deployed on a quasi-stationary orbit – i.e., in contrast to geostationary satellites, in rather wide orbits, using light pressure, so as to continuously keep focus on the base. This will ensure round-the-clock lighting, increase of energy production with solar panels, and, consequently, reduced requirements for materials of construction cold resistance (especially if the top of the dark elements of the design covered with a transparent film and you can use the greenhouse effect). The cost of the mirror itself is relatively small. It can be delivered to Mars as the traditional way, with the rocket upper stage, and "self-move" - due to the effect of the solar sail. I will try more formally to describe the idea. Now the Martian theme takes quite a large company. It is, first and foremost, SpaceX by Elon Musk and a number of other structures – the Mars Society by Robert Zubrin; MarsOne and others. If they engaged in a cheap serial production of films for such mirrors with high resource, some problems of the Catalysis project can be solved. See https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/engineering-32/topic/catalysis-project-for-future-500/?page=2

Мар 17, 17 / Ari 20, 01 04:09 UTC

能否在我们的有生之年看到人类登录火星(或者自己亲身登上火星),取决于很多因素,而不仅仅是科技的进步,这其中还包括战争,人文,经济,国际政治迭更等的影响。所以,我们不能单单把注意力仅仅放在太空科技及其相关科技上,还应注意其他方面的因素对太空探索的影响。举一个简单的例子,目前人类已经完全具备了探索地球近地太空空间的能力(最实际的例子就是人类的 国际空间站),并且几乎每年甚至隔几个月都会有卫星或其他航天器的发射,各个地球上的国家都在进行激烈的角逐,抢占太空探索 先手,而其中还不乏或大或小的火力纠纷摩擦(很多应该是未曝光在公众舆论之下的),造成了环绕地球近地空间大量的太空垃圾碎片,尤其是会对其他近地航天器造成严重伤害的太空金属垃圾。而这仅仅是一个基本上实际收益率很小的近地空间探索,人类都如为之疯狂一般进行角力角逐。而火星探索必然会给人类带来大量的利益,人们或者说各个国家之间又会发生什么就实在是难以预测了。所以,火星探索,对其制衡的不仅仅是科技。other language spoken guys,could use translation tools to see what I said.

Can you see humans to Mars in our lifetime (or personally set foot on Mars), depends on many factors, not just the progress of science and technology, which also include war, humanities, economics, international political influence of Diego. Therefore, we cannot simply focus on only in space science and technology and its related technologies, should also pay attention to other factors impact on space exploration. Lift a simple of example, currently human has completely has has exploration earth near to space space of capacity (most actual of example is human of international station), and almost annual even across several months will has satellite or other spacecraft of launches, all Earth Shang of national are in for fierce of race, preemption space exploration tempo, and which also are or big or small of fire disputes friction (many should is not exposure in public opinion zhixia of), caused has around Earth near to space large of space junk debris, In particular could pose serious risks to other spacecraft's space metal garbage. And this is a real rate of return is basically just a small near-Earth space exploration, humans are like crazy for wrestling competition. Mars will bring a lot of benefits to human, or what countries it is difficult to predict. So, Mars exploration, on the checks and balances is not only science and technology.

This post has been translated using Bing Translator (https://www.bing.com/translator). Please keep this in mind that this forum uses English as a base language at this moment, however you are able to use your native language in the Regional (https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/regions-36/) forum that applies to you.
- Jason Rainbow 17 March 2017 @ 04:15 am

  Последние изменения внесены:  Jason Rainbow (Global Admin, Global Mod, Asgardian)  на Мар 17, 17 / Ari 20, 01 04:15 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз
Причина: Providing English Translation

Мар 20, 17 / Ari 23, 01 16:36 UTC

Aside political upheaval and budgets, I filtered out for myself :

A core problem at the moment is still cosmic radiation. There are ideas floating about how to minimize effects but most of them simply make a spacecraft a heavy affair due to radiation shielding that directly fall back on propulsion systems - still non existant propulsing systems - to get that plus baggage and the fuel into orbit. A fuel stop in a moon orbit would help a bit but we don't have the infrastructure yet and it takes some years tackle that alone. Another road would be propulsion systems that drastically shorten flight time - also to be designed. Still, the travellers would get some radiation shower that would still pose a mental and lasting health threat. Currently, the only direct route to Mars is a kamikaze run by people who sacrifice their health and likely their life. It is time for us to return to the drawing board and pour some serious money into development and hard engineering.

It's not impossible - you just have to throw enough well-funded science at it.

Мар 20, 17 / Ari 23, 01 17:03 UTC

You've clearly been paying attention to the proposition to lend Mars a magnetosphere by placing an EM emitter in the L1 orbital position.

Мар 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 09:08 UTC

I would rather have electrostatic shields – large solar sail type as Dyson Dots, only electrically charged. Energy for power sources of electric charge (the electron gun) might be generated due to the lighting of the reverse (facing the Sun) side of the sail.

And considering that Mars is far from Sun and its surface is not desirable to occlude, it is advisable to perform the sails of the grid, so they just reject charged particles. Rather, it will be a version of the E-sail by P. Janhunnen. Such a device can fly to Mars from earth orbit and "self-driving" as a typical E-sail.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  на Мар 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 09:16 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 12:23 UTC

The idea is it'll stop the solar stripping more than "occlude" and the atmosphere should naturally thicken as the C02 melts eventually to the point of defrosting the H20.

Мар 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 23:48 UTC

The colonization of mars and other solar body's is a must. We will be able to do more science and the race will survive if anything were to happen to this earth.

Just some of my thoughts. -Sliger

Апр 21, 17 / Tau 27, 01 15:11 UTC

Great post! I think that the colonization of other planets is a reality that is taking form in the present, but slowly and patiently, because with every question, comes a response, sooner or later, and a new technology afterwards that alongs us to achieve that we can´t before. Finally, I think that our generation would be able to see the first humans on Mars.