
Апр 19, 17 / Tau 25, 01 14:09 UTC

Re: CHRONICLES - Verification  


Dear Ms. Berg - Thank you for all the time and hard work you are putting in for us here at Asgardia.Space.  Thank you very much and have a great day! 

  Обновлено  на Май 19, 17 / Gem 27, 01 05:29 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Апр 22, 17 / Gem 00, 01 08:05 UTC

Do yours best is enough,believe yourself and the faith.

Апр 23, 17 / Gem 01, 01 07:20 UTC

I just voted...Worked fine for me on Chrome.

Апр 27, 17 / Gem 05, 01 07:33 UTC

Mr. vvvortex, did your selection remain saved also if closed and reopened again the browser (even with the cookies deleted?)

Апр 27, 17 / Gem 05, 01 07:33 UTC

Mr. vvvortex, did your selection remain saved also if closed and reopened again the browser (even with the cookies deleted?)

Апр 30, 17 / Gem 08, 01 04:58 UTC

finished the survey  

Май 1, 17 / Gem 09, 01 12:48 UTC

So? What changed?

Май 7, 17 / Gem 15, 01 04:41 UTC

 Any updated news?            Still can't    :/

Май 8, 17 / Gem 16, 01 03:07 UTC

I can´t take the surveyr, I use Firefox and put the cookies on....