
Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 16:37 UTC

Re: Decree N2 by The Asgardia Head of Nation - Asgardian Calendar!  

Cool, which variant of the Gregorian calendar? There are many and 4 different are currently in use.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 17:34 UTC

Cool, cool. So using the gregorian calendar just because of laziness and forcing the Asian part of our society to use it. Smells a bit like discrimination.

The Gregorian Calendar is by the way established in different countries as different derivates. Not all gregorian calendars are equal. Some of them have a different notation, some of them different days. All of them are covered under a standardized format, not a standardized calendar system. All of them suffer from the same mathematical side-effects, all of them invalidate when a physical origin of the calendar changes. (Earth rotation speed, solar travel time)

What you mean is an international representation standard of date and time, a standard that is loosely coupled to the Gregorian Calendar System, and invalid in 20%+ of our world.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 17:58 UTC

Cross Post!

Before any laws can be produced, communiques written, or any other form of community be established, certain baselines must be defined.

Measurements of time, mass, volume, and distance, and even the definitions of words must all be clarified before everyone truly understands what we are talking about.

For example, we are saying that Ministers are having terms of X years. Well... how long is a year? On Earth a year is 365¼ days, but in space, when a sunrise happens every 6000 seconds, some might call a day the time between sun rises. That would make 14.4 Asgardian days to each Earth day. Do we still hold to the 365 days (again, depending on the definition of a day), or do we adjust our calendar to our new concept of 'days', having over 5000 days per year?

I have seen arguments about helicopters on here that were going on between Asgardians because they both had different definitions of what a helicopter was. Unfortunately, we really do need to be this specific and pedantic to remove misunderstandings.

So, while I understand we have to agree to a calendar, it doesn't mean we need to make up our own. Sure, Westerners might be ticked if we don't use the Gregorian they are so familiar with, and Chinese might be ticked if we don't use the Chinese calendar they are familiar with (despite the fact that the Gregorian calendar is the official calendar of the Chinese government), and gods forbid we don't properly calculate someone's religious holiday correctly or there will hell to pay.

  Обновлено  на Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 17:59 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 18:08 UTC

I feel indifferent to the proposal. An Asgardian calendar is probably prudent, but this is pretty much a standard alternative earth calendar. If it does get adopted, I'm fine with it. But I'd prefer something tailored to living in space and easily converted to earth times. We do have to deal with time dilation, after all, and a simple day-day calendar conversion doesn't.

I do like that Asgard 1st is National Unity Day. Whatever we use in the end, I hope the month of Asgard is implemented.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 18:31 UTC

What incentive would other developers have to account for this calandar system in their software? I can't see many leading PIM's jumping on it.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 18:45 UTC

@Jason: There is no international Standard Civil Calendar, there is just an International accepted Date and Time representation Standard who is compatible with different calendar systems (not just gregorian). It's ISO 8601 by the way.

@EyeR: I will not (probably never) implement the proposed Calendar System.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 19:05 UTC

I feel that a calender should reflect the social aspects of that civilization that's why I propose the atomic decay method of our sun so that spacefaring civilizations can understand why we use the atomic decay as a far more accurate tool if time in this solar system.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 19:55 UTC

theres a poll in the face about the calendar

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 20:16 UTC

Yup, the poll is useless and by far not representative.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 21:22 UTC

In my humble opinion the calendar is somewhat rushed, when the satellites are ready in space could be made the calendar and see as orbit is around the earth and make the relevant calculations.

Мар 11, 17 / Ari 14, 01 11:41 UTC

It seems like total sutupidity. For now, in this time, on earth, its nonsense to have a different calender then the general one. Even "not accepting the metric system" is a stupidity.. however if we want to go for it and have a separate calendar with earth, why do we need to have 365 day 6 hours for a year, why we should need a leap year or use "january, fabruary ext."?? And for the last, WHY do we have a month that called "Asgard". Are we that much visionless to call a month as "Asgard" and cant find a name that can mean more to us? Beyond us, even Asgard myth have so many opportunities for that.. That action is so senseless i cant even find how to call it...

Afterall we could find an idea like " we will have 9 months -8 from the planets and 1 from the sun- to honor our solar system each have 30 days or whatever or 10 months with + our satalite as our first step to the space."even that is more acceptable. With the same idea we won't be on earth, we dont even need 24 hours a day. We can use whatever system is good for human health. But seperating Asgardia calender from the earth and yet using the same times(365day6hours) and same names are unbelievable...

  Последние изменения внесены:  ONUR OKTEN (Asgardian)  на Мар 13, 17 / Ari 16, 01 21:30 UTC, всего отредактировано 3 раза

Мар 12, 17 / Ari 15, 01 00:40 UTC

Hi Dirk. Maybe you're the one who can explain why this is a good idea at this point in time. No-one else has been able to provide a compelling argument to date. So please tell me (and everyone else concerned by this proposal) exactly why this is a good idea?

Мар 12, 17 / Ari 15, 01 03:43 UTC

I've made a two-way Converter for the new calendar (from the Gregorian calendar in ISO standard, extended by me to be usable with any year) to be used as a reference tool. http://kate.wtf/asg

Because of The question of adding an extra day in a leap year will be addressed separately. (quote from Decree #2 https://asgardia.space/assets/doc/Decree002.pdf), I've included three different scenarios.

  1. Leap Day included between February and March (similar to ISO calendar),
  2. Leap Day included between June and Asgard (similar to original International Fixed Calendar),
  3. no Leap Day ever included.

All fields change values when one of them is changed. Leap Day and Year Day are included at the 29th position of the months they are coming after (February, June, December).

  Последние изменения внесены:  Kate Mihalikova (Asgardian)  на Мар 12, 17 / Ari 15, 01 03:44 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза

Мар 12, 17 / Ari 15, 01 06:20 UTC

It was pleasant to me!

Мар 12, 17 / Ari 15, 01 08:31 UTC

So; the idea itself is great at idea stage, as we will need a different calendar not bound to the movement of Earth related to the Sun. If and when the future Asgardians will live in a space station in orbit, I see no sense having months with different day count, as the concept of "month" will change only to be relevant to amount of fixed amount of days and time. With no axle to rotate around and no set daylight cycle, we are going to define days only with time, and to make matters as simple as possible, a fixed amount of days in a month will be sufficient.

BUT, it is still moronic to start using this or any other kind of calendar during our time on Earth. It will only create confusion and disorder. And when we transfer ourselves to space, it should be revisited, as we (preferably) would still continue having contact to Earth, and different calendar would again create needless confusion.

Also, I still don't understand the need of 13th month (haven't read the wiki article about this kind of calendar yet).

TL;DR The concept is interesting and surely needed at some time in the distant future, but by no means necessary in a long time.

  • S
  Последние изменения внесены:  Aleksi Laakkonen (Asgardian)  на Мар 12, 17 / Ari 15, 01 08:33 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза
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