
Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:20 UTC

Re: Decree N2 by The Asgardia Head of Nation - Asgardian Calendar!  

look in this link :


i am quoting: "The International Fixed Calendar inserts the extra day in leap year as June 29 - between Saturday June 28 and Sunday Sol 1.

Each month begins on a Sunday, and ends on a Saturday; consequently, every year begins on Sunday. Neither Year Day nor Leap Day are considered to be part of any week; they are preceded by a Saturday and are followed by a Sunday."

in reality the calendar is pretty simple , It's just hard to get used to it, but people who do already use a different calendar (business calendar for transactions and business) is very easy to get used

  Последние изменения внесены:  Humberto Bravo (Asgardian)  на Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:23 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз
Причина: coment

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:24 UTC

It does not matter what you read at wikipedia about the origin of the announced calendar system. It matters what the head of nation has announced. As long it does not change, 29th February does not exists. The IFC paradigm is altered to a Asgardia thing, with sugar (Asgard Month) and honey (Year Day), which also "hardcodes" the end of year.

A simple fact.

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:36 UTC

fact ? 29 feb exist it would be in the 4th march of Asgardia calendar and the extra day would be acounted between june and the extra month (Asgardia) . what i have show you its the rules of the calendar not the history. what head of nation have made its a propost : "I hereby approve the draft of the Asgardian calendar for its further review and endorsement by the Asgardian Parliament."

it Will be voted on,theres,No need to get so agitated because of this...... you are saying that are facts but show no proofs?I have shown you evidence that supports my arguments.only thing that you say is that are facts....

theres no need to be so angry or agitated its only a draft theres time until the votation and our election

the year day Already existed in the IFC ....

  Последние изменения внесены:  Humberto Bravo (Asgardian)  на Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:37 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:56 UTC

Dirk Baeyens i agree haha

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:57 UTC

Here are the facts:

  • The proposed Calendar System by the head of nation does not mention that the origin of the concept or idea is the International Fixed Calendar.
  • The proposed Calendar System by the head of nation does communicate a 28 days 13 Month Year with and no optional day for gregorian leap years.
  • The proposed Calendar System has a start day of the year that is without further explanation obviously synced to January 1th of the running year of the gregorian calendar. A conceptual proof could be the demo: https://asgardia.space/en/calendar/ which is a universal test case for any year, regardless if it is a (gregorian) leap year or not.
  • The proposed Calendar System has an end day without a (representational computable) date. That immediately follows the 28th Asgardian December. Which hard codes the end of year 1 day after the last day of Asgardian December.
  • An optional leap day will "fix" the actual unstable proposed calendar with a chance of 100% if the current recommended system is selected as to be used.
  • The proposed Calendar System does not care about leap seconds.
  • The proposed Calendar System suffers from time zones.
  • The proposed Calendar System is mathematically incompatible, in the same way as the gregorian date and time standard.
  • The proposed Calendar System is suffering from the decisions made tens of years, hundreds of years or thousands of years ago, that might be considered as a revoke criteria for a modern and different date and time standard.

Do you need more?

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 21:04 UTC

I have a question. I was born on October 5, so my birthday is on October 5th or 12th. Or worse, if someone was born on the 30th or 31st of any month, what about that in the Asgardian calendar? This calendar has advantages and disadvantages from here to the future, but what happens from here to the past? Thk!

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 21:22 UTC

@Ian, check the conversion chart: https://asgardia.space/en/calendar/

@others: I've filed a recommendation to abrogate this decree: https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/feedback-11/topic/recommendation-decree-no-2-abrogation-and-institution-of-a-standard-authority-3763/

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 21:35 UTC

Again, how does this help with the goal of UN recognition? I fear that this move will damage the credibility of Asgardia in the eyes of other nations, alienate Asgardia and ultimately compromise one of the primary goals of the nation

I'm not opposed to a new measurement system for time that is fit for purpose. However, since we are still bound to Earth (for now), this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Surely there are more important things that need attention now.

BTW, it is a little disconcerting to me that the people that have expressed concern / opposition to this calendar are being labelled as slackers or whiners. I thought this was a nation of free thinkers - sometimes that means people will disagree with each other. As long as the opposing view is articulated respectfully, what's the problem?

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 22:30 UTC

I think the same thing as what they have expressed previously. Changing the calendar is complicating unnecessarily and without any serious reason.

I also agree with @Scarbs, let's be free to say for or against the respective arguments, but getting angry or pigeonhole people in "slackers or winners" will not lead us to good port.

It is something that if one is in charge or has a responsibility has to know first and foremost.

Let us not be authoritative, respectful and respectful of the opinion offered, please.


Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 22:44 UTC

I, for one, think it's kind of cool.

From Wikipedia:

"The calendar year has 13 months with 28 days each, divided into exactly 4 weeks (13 × 28 = 364). An extra day added as a holiday at the end of the year (December 29), sometimes called "Year Day", does not belong to any week and brings the total to 365 days. Each year coincides with the corresponding Gregorian year, so January 1 in the Cotsworth calendar always falls on Gregorian January 1."


I think it's about time we start using stuff that identifies us as Asgardians, something cool and different. A new way to count time is in my opinion a very good start. Remember Star Trek's "stardate"? Well we can't use "stardate". So why not use this calendar?

I for one find it kind of fun!

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 22:59 UTC

Unfortunately, fun is not always practical and practical is not always fun.

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 23:08 UTC

I'm currently working on making a calendar for 2017 following the Decree N2. I'll be posting it as a link to a picture for you all to see and print.

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 23:15 UTC

@skiewanne: Oh, i guarantee - we can.

Have a look: https://prime.singularity.name/stardate/stardate-standard.pdf

  Обновлено  на Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 23:16 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 23:27 UTC

Honestly, the largest thing stopping me saying the "stardate standard" is a good idea is the obvious association to startrek. It doens't do much for our credibility.

i personally think the most sensible is to not particularly bother with trying to re-invent a wheel that won't be round on the scale of eventual operations. What is required is not an adjustment to the format or layout of the calandar, but a vast reconsideration of the concept of time itself. It's far too local in perspective.

Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 23:33 UTC


About stardate: my point exactly. ;)

About time: if you mean that time is subject to dilation because of a gravitational field or acceleration, then yes you are correct. However the time difference is usually extremely tiny - not even a second.

I'm making a calendar with all 13 months and Year Day on it. Just stand by, I'm sure you guys will love it once you physically see it and the beauty of it.

:) cheers :P

  Последние изменения внесены:  John Skieswanne (Asgardian)  на Мар 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 23:36 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза