
Июл 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 14:18 UTC

Public Service Announcements - July 15, 2017  

Hello Asgardia!

We have a couple of public service announcements for you today.

The team has gone through the satellite files and removed some due to violations of copyright and trademark. Please check your upload to see if it was part of this action. If so, you have until July 20 to upload a file to be included on Asgardia-1 at launch. Otherwise, it will not be uploaded until November when it is deployed.

We are very concerned by the amount of petitions that we have had to reject due to petitioners not submitting properly. Some of the most common mistakes are:

- no real name and picture attached to the petitioners profile
- not listing who the petition will need to be sent to once it has been completed

Please see the Head of Community Affairs blog post on Effective Petitioning that was posted for the community's information here:https://asgardia.space/…/asgard…/7163-effective-petitioning/

It is important for the community to be able to use this system so we ask the petitioners to please follow these steps so their voices and opinions can be heard.

Thank you!

Июл 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 13:45 UTC

help me

Июл 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 15:11 UTC

Hi wongedan,

What can we help you with? 


Июл 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 12:46 UTC

Sorry to post here. When the "asgardia app" available in Android or IOS ? Tq.